Add a Staff Member Profile

Add a Staff Member Profile

Staff members are added in the STAFF MEMBERS tab


When wanting to add a new staff profile, select ADD NEW STAFF MEMBER

Enter in (at least) all the necessary fields (described below) and hit ADD

IMPORTANT: Adding a Staff Member does not automatically invite them to log into Rethink. Please use the Logging in for the First Time resource to share with a staff when it is time for them to log-in.

  • Fields with an * are required. The fields below on this resource are the only required fields. If you would like to add more information to the staff member’s profile, please see the additjonal link at the bottom of this page to help describe each section that is not required.

  • Select a status from the list you made within the company account

    • If you do not see a status you want, you or other admin staff will need to make more within the Company Account Tab

  • Create a username and password

    • Best to keep the username simple and uniform (e.g. email address)

    • Passwords are typically made to fulfill the system only, so keep in mind all staff can select “forgot password” when they log in for the first time after you make their profile, meaning the password you input here can be arbitrary thus not required for you to remember

  • Use the email address you want associated with their Rethink account (i.e. work email vs personal email)

    • If the system notes that the email is already in use this means that the staff member has another Rethink profile with a different company’s account and will need a unique email address for your account. Or, their profile was already made with you and potentially set to an inactive status which is why their profile does not show in the staff member tab.

  • Select the Staff title that pairs best with the type of user this staff member is.

    • Staff titles are paired with Roles and permissions so whatever title is given to this staff member will automatically drive their permissions when they log in

    • If you do not see a staff title option that is representative of this staff, you or your admin team will need to make more staff titles and edit permissions appropriately within Company Account tab > Staff member settings

  • Although NPI field is listed as optional, an employees NPI would be required for any provider that would need to be listed as a rendering provider for claims

    • Employee NPI is a required field for any rendering providers as indicated by funder requirements

  • All staff profiles can be edited/changed after being created

    • Simply select the staff name from the Staff Members landing page, and select EDIT


To see what all the optional and required fields under a staff member’s general information section represent, see: Staff Member General Information Fields Explained