Mobile App Best Practices

Mobile App Best Practices

Stay informed with the best practices for using Rethink’s mobile app for session completion and data collection. Please see below for common inquiries and guides to help you navigate the features of the mobile app!


How do I enter clinical data from a previous date?


The Rethink mobile application is designed for real-time (same day) data collection only. Clinical data from a previous date of service can be entered via the Rethink website.


Guide: How to Backdate Data in Rethink


What is the ‘Continue Session’ Option in the Rethink Mobile app?


The ‘Continue’ option appears if you logged out of the app with an open/unfinished session. This option should only be used when you have more data you want to add to the unfinished session. If users click ‘Continue’ from an unfinished app session, any additional clinical data you enter will be synced with the original date in which the session started (since you are adding to that previous unfinished session). If you do not have more data to add to an unfinished (unsynced) session, then always choose the ‘New session’ option which will sync your previously unfinished session and begin a new one.


Guide: Continue vs New Session


Why do I see duplicate data?

The most common reason for duplicate clinical data is pressing the sync button more than once during a session. To avoid this, collect all clinical data for a session, enter your session note & signatures, and then click Sync one time. This will sync all appointment information and data together and avoid duplicated clinical data.


Guide: Mobile App Workflow for Client Session


Why do I see 0 scores for frequency & duration targets that I didn’t run during my session?

When a skill or behavior is opened for data collection on the app, the user has an option to graph these as zero (i.e., 0 instances of aggression occurred during session so you want this reflected on your graph) or not have them graphed when data are synced (i.e., you opened but did not actually run the program for Sustaining Conversation so you do not want to graph a data point for this program today). This is a setting found in the Main Menu > Settings and must be set for each device. Please see the guide below for how to set these preferences.


Guide: Mobile App Settings - Explained


How do I stay current with the updates to features in the mobile app?

Our most recent app update includes a new link to Release Notes that are specific to changes made to the mobile app. This provides guides and tutorials on all app updates so users know about enhancements and new features they can utilize during sessions! Click here to learn more about this update.


Additional RBT training resources:

RBT / Front Line Staff Training Links



Rethink BH Team

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