Client Settings within the Company Account

Client Settings within the Company Account

This resource will cover client statuses, client note types, and Client Custom Fields within Client Settings of the Company Account. These areas are referring to settings that can be made for the profiles of clients you provide services to.

Client Statuses

Each client has a status in their profile that can be changed/determined on an ongoing basis. This area is to make all possible status options to be used within the clients profile throughout their time with the Provider. Most often, Active and Inactive statuses are used for clients, however, you can create your own statuses for clarifying company specific reasons for a status of a client (e.g. onboarding, discharged, etc.). You would then make those customized statuses be active or inactive.

An ACTIVE status means that scheduling for the client and programming for the client can occur

An INACTIVE status means that the client cannot be scheduled for an appointment or have programming written

NOTE: If a previously active client becomes inactive, the clients profile, information, and data are still in Rethink for your records.


To create a new status, select + Client Status

From there, you can Name the Status and decide if that status is Active or Inactive then press SAVE

Example: a Discharged status would be marked as Inactive, meaning someone who is discharged as a client, would no longer be scheduled for appointments or have programming written for them

NOTE: The Demo? option is only to be used for the Demo status for the demo client placed within the account


Client Note Types (optional)

Client note types (similar to staff note types) are created if wanting to use the notes section of a Client’s member profile. The type name helps to organize the type of note being left within a client’s profile.

  • The section functions like a post-it note or open notebook, NOT a session note

  • This section can be used for different reasons; and still requires a permission for the staff to see these in a client’s profile they have access to

o   Example: Supervisors use this section to leave notes about communication that occurred over the phone with a parent - The Note Type might be PARENT COMMUNICATION

  • ·NO notifications are provided when a note is left in a client’s profile

  • Be sure to provide permissions to the Client Notes section in a role if you want staff within that role to be able to View and/or Add and Edit note

To leave a note type, select + NOTE TYPE, Name the note type, provide a description if needed, and keep it as active to use it. The select SAVE

Client Custom Fields (optional)

You can create additional fields to appear within the Demographics section of client profiles and/or the client list page.

Additional Notes: Usually we recommend playing around in your system and going through all the modules/trainings. Then, if you realize there is a field that Rethink doesn’t already have that you would like added to your client profiles, add a Custom Field.

  • Click “+ Client Custom Field”

  • Type in the Label

  • Select the Type of Label you want this to be (Date, Drop-Down, etc.)

  • Click Check Name

  • Order: This is how it will appear within the client profile and client list page

Please note, only five custom fields can appear in the Client List Page for you to filter by

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