Moving a Program from the Future Plan to the Current Plan

The future plan is a workspace that allows clinicians to set up goal for a client that won’t be introduced until a later time or upcoming authorization period. Goals on the client's future plan won't appear in data collection until the supervisor clinician decides to introduce them into the current plan. 


When adding a goal from the library you can choose to add the goal to the 'future plan' if 

you aren't ready to introduce it yet. 


On the client program page, select the 'future plan' tab shown below access the future plan. Goals from the future plan

will not appear in data collection until they are moved into the current plan. 


To move goals between the current and future plan, select the 'move program' button and chose the

destination you want to send the goal. 


Goals on the future plan will appear in the 'reccomended goals' section of a funder report.