Customize a Skills Program for a Client

Customize a Skills Program for a Client

To customize a skill acquisition program for a Client, a program must first be added to the Client Program tab of that client’s profile from the Program Library tab. The resource below will review the areas of a program that can be further edited for customization.

1) First, choose the program from the Program Library to add to the Client Program

2)   Use the filters to search for a program within the Library. This could be a custom program that was written by your staff or it could be a Rethink program that was defaulted to the account.

  • Once you’ve found a program you’d like to use for your client, press the + button to add it to the Client Program

  • You will choose CURRENT or FUTURE plan. This refers to the titles of the two tabs listed in the Client Program tab.

    • Current plan is a list of programs available for data collection, where Future plan is for programs not ready for data collection

    • Regardless of which plan you add it to, you will need to make further edits before data collection can occur.

    • Recommended to add it to the future plan, make the customized edits, then MOVE it to the current plan so staff can collect data (this will be noted again at the end of this resource)


3) Now go to the Client Program tab and start to Customize the program(s) you added from the Program Library:

4) Select the program from the left-hand side and select EDIT to edit all areas of the program. You can also RENAME the title of the program if needed.



The rest of this resource will review each area that can/should be customized for the client prior to any data collection.


a. Edit the Goal for your clients’ program (optional) and,

b. Choose whether or not you’d like the program to be ran as a GOALS only or GOALS and OBJECTIVES

NOTE: If you choose Goals and Objectives, targets will need to be added to each objective when you get to the target area of the program. Targets within an objective all need to be mastered before targets in the next objective will be available for data collection


c. Select if you would like to trigger maintenance

d. What the preferred maintenance schedule would be (This is only a suggestion and will not automatically trigger a target to be ran on this schedule)

e. If you would like to apply automatic phase change lines to populate on graphs for this program.

IMPORTANT: If you select the option above, it would mean that phase change lines will automatically populate on a graph when a TARGET IS MASTERED and when a TARGET IS REINTRODUCED FROM MAINTENANCE (on the date that occurred)

If this program is written to have Prompt Specific Data collected (i.e. visual prompt, verbal prompt, physical prompt, etc.) then a phase change line will automatically populate when prompt levels are mastered, regardless if you select the box above

Phase change lines can be manually added for any reason if that option is selected or not

f. If the you chose the program to have objectives, customize, delete pre-written, and/or add objectives.

g. Choose the data collection type (as seen in image below).

*DATA COLLECTION OPTIONS: opportunity based, task analysis (forward, backward, total), duration, frequency, and Interval (partial, whole, momentary time sampling)

*If you need to collect data multiple ways for a program, duplicate the program once edits are saved and edit the second version of the program


h. Choose whether or not you want to collect prompt specific data or just correct/incorrect (as seen in image below).

*If you choose WITH PROMPTS, you can customize what prompts you want to display (name of prompt with code/abbreviation that will be seen when collecting data)

*If your administrative staff added a list of prompts to the company account, these would automatically display when you select WITH PROMPTS and you can edit further (i.e. choose which ones you want to use vs which ones you do not)

*IMPORTANT: prompts need to be listed in order from least restrictive to most restrictive (Example: Independent, Gestural, Partial Physical, and Full Physical)


i. Set the Mastery Criteria for the program and the Maintenance Mastery Criteria (as seen in image below)

*Maintenance Mastery Criteria will not populate if you previously chose NOT to trigger maintenance -step c of this resource)


j. Add the targets OR teaching steps to the program

  • This is required for any data collection to occur (data is not collected on program goals or objectives, rather targets WITHIN those goals and/or objectives)

  • You can select the button SYSTEM TARGETS or SYSTEM STEPS, and pick from a pre-created list that was added when making the program in the program library tab OR TYPE the name of the target/step in the target name/teaching step name field, OR BOTH (add from list and edit further)


  • Adding Targets with a Goals and Objectives Program: If you chose the program to be ran as goals and objectives, an additional field would be required when making the target list. The objective column is asking you to add the target to an objective created above.

    • Important Remember, if a program has objectives you have to master all targets within one objective before targets from the next objective will open for data collection


  • Adding Targets with a WITH Prompts (prompt specific data) Program: If you chose the program to be ran where prompt specific data is collected, an additional column titled Correct Prompt will populate when making the target list. This is asking you to identify which prompt would count as correct from the prompts you added above.

    • If you wanted to run the program with prompt fading, you may initially choose the target to count as correct with the most restrictive prompt and then manually move it to the next less restrictive prompt once the target met mastery criteria (noted above) for that prompt level

    • If you wanted only a independent response to count as correct, but still have data collected on prompts used to get a correct response, you would choose independent to be the correct prompt (make sure you put independent as a prompt in your list of prompts made in the program)

  • Targets on HOLD

A target can be placed on hold if you are not ready to have data collected for that specific target. Staff will only be able to collect data on targets off of hold.

Please note, targets need to be MANUALLY taken off of hold for staff to view the target.

  k. Add anecdotal teaching information in the text boxes for the sections noted below. **This is information that can be seen by staff both on the website when in the client program tab and when on the mobile app when selecting the orange gear next to the name of the program

You can edit/delete strategies and recommendations in each area. The wording that automatically populates was what was added to those areas when the program was made in the program library








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