Resolving Appointments Rejected by Tellus

Resolving Appointments Rejected by Tellus

Please read steps below to learn how to resolve appointments with Rejected EVV Status. Please note that appointments need to be reapproved Appointment List > EVV Billing View > Actions > [Approve for EVV]. If you encounter a Rejected Reason that is not in the list below then please reach out to support@rethinkbh.com

Rejected Reason


Rejected Reason



MRTH SRVC 000 Invalid Visit-Already-Completed-In-System

  • If a Visit was already sent to Tellus successfully and the same visit was approved again to be pushed to Tellus, you will receive the Visit Already Completed In System as the rejected reason.

  • If this is the only rejection reason for the appointment then you should be able to locate this visit in Tellus.

  • Anticipated Update for 1/14/22: EVV appointments that currently have an EVV Status of Rejected and Rejected Reason of "MRTH SRVC 000 Invalid Visit-Already-Completed-In-System" will now be updated so that these appointments can be resent.

    • The EVV status will be set to Success.

    • The Rejection Reason will be cleared.


MRTH SRVC 1640 Procedure Code Not Configured

  • Check if a BA modifier is configured for the Billing Code selected in the visit by navigating to Company Account > Funders [Medicaid]> Edit Billing Code e.g. H2012.

  • If a BA modifier is missing, please add a modifier BA under the Modifier1 field and Save.

  • Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.


  • If the Visit you are sending contains a GT (Telehealth) Modifier then please ensure the Modifier is under the Modifier2 field.

  • Rethink now supports the transmission of visits with TS Modifier, this can be added to Modifier 4 and can be transmitted under the Modifier4 field in the Tellus system.



MRTH SRVC 001 Invalid Recipient-Does-Not-Exist-In-System

  • Check if the following details in Rethink exactly matches the Recipient Information in Tellus portal

    • Client Date of Birth in Client Profile > Date of Birth EQUALS Client’s DOB in Tellus

    • Client Profile > Funder > Insured's ID#:*(Box 1a of CMS 1500) EQUALS Recipient Medicaid ID in Tellus

  • If there’s a mismatch, please update the information in Rethink or Tellus portal to resolve the mismatch. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If these details match in Rethink and Tellus then:

Contact support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


Invalid Provider not found in system.

MRTH SRVC 003 Invalid Provider-Does-Not-Exist-In-System

  • Check the following:

    • Company Account > Basic Information > Federal Tax Id: in Rethink matches Billing Provider > EIN in Tellus portal

    • Company Account > Basic Information > National Provider Identifier # Rethink matches Billing Provider > NPI in Tellus portal

    • Please ensure that the Company Name in Rethink’s Company Account > Basic Information > MedicaidId exactly matches Tellus Portal > Billing Provider > MedicaidID

      • If there’s a mismatch, please update the information in Rethink or Tellus portal to resolve the mismatch. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.


MRTH SRVC 764 Invalid Recipient Gender

  • Please check if the gender of the Client in Rethink exactly matches the gender in Tellus portal.
    If there’s a mismatch, please update the gender in Rethink or Tellus portal.

    • Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

    • If there’s a mismatch, please update the information in Rethink or Tellus portal to resolve the mismatch. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If Client Gender in Rethink and Tellus are same then:

Contact support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 770 Invalid ProviderName

  • Please ensure that the Company Name in Rethink’s Company Account > Basic Information > Name exactly matches Tellus Portal > Billing Provider > Name

    • If there’s a mismatch, please update the information in Rethink or Tellus portal to resolve the mismatch. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If Company Name in Rethink and Tellus are same then:

Contact support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 780 Invalid ProviderMedicaidId

  • Please ensure that the Company Name in Rethink’s Company Account > Basic Information > MedicaidId exactly matches Tellus Portal > Billing Provider > MedicaidID

    • If there’s a mismatch, please update the information in Rethink or Tellus portal to resolve the mismatch. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If MedicaidID in Rethink and Tellus are same then:

Contact support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 790 Invalid ProviderNPI

  • Please ensure that the Provider NPI in Rethink’s Company Account > Basic Information > National Provider Identifier # matches Tellus Portal > Billing Provider > NPI.

    • If there’s a mismatch, please update the information in Rethink or Tellus portal to resolve the mismatch. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If Provider NPI in Rethink and Tellus are same then:please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


  1. TRIPLE check the NPI has been added to the Rethink NPI field

  2. Check the NPI is the correct number



MRTH SRVC 791 Invalid ReferringPhysicianNPI

  • Please ensure a correct NPI # is entered within Client Profile > Referring Providers > [Edit] > NPI Number: (Box 17b of CMS 1500) field. Additionally, the same referring provider should be selected in the authorization attached to the appointment being sent to Tellus.

  • If the NPI is inaccurate, please update the information in Company Account> Referring Providers. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If a correct NPI # is entered for the Referring Physician then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 1290 Invalid ReferringPhysicianFirstName

  • Please ensure a Referring Physician Name is entered within the Client Profile > Referring Providers > [Edit] > Referring Provider First Name. Additionally, the same referring provider should be selected in the authorization attached to the appointment being sent to Tellus.

    • Confirm there are no leading or trailing blank spaces before the First Name

    • If Referring Physician First Name is incorrect, please update the information in Company Account> Referring Providers. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

    • If Referring Physician Name has been correctly entered then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 1300 Invalid ReferringPhysicianLastName

  • Please ensure a Referring Physician Name is entered within the Client Profile > Diagnosis [Edit] > Referring Provider Last Name. Additionally, the same referring provider should be selected in the authorization attached to the appointment being sent to Tellus.

    • Confirm there are no leading or trailing blank spaces before the First Name or after the Last Name.

    • If Referring Physician Last Name is incorrect, please update the information in Company Account> Referring Providers. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If Referring Physician Name has been correctly entered contact support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 800 Invalid ProviderNPITaxonomy

  • Please ensure the Taxonomy Code within the Staff Profile > General Information section matches the Billing Provider > NPI Taxonomy section of the Tellus portal.

  • If Taxonomy Code in Rethink and Tellus are same then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error


MRTH SRVC 810 Invalid ProviderNPIZipCode

  • Please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error. Please also provide the exact zip code within the NPI Zip field in the Billing Provider section of your Tellus portal.


MRTH SRVC 820 Invalid ProviderEin

  • Please check that the Provider Ein in Rethink’s Company Account > Basic Information > Federal Tax Id exactly matches the Tax Id in the Billing Provider > EIN of the Tellus Portal.

    • If there’s a mismatch, please update the information in Rethink or Tellus portal to resolve the mismatch. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If Tax Id/ Ein in Rethink and Tellus are same then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error. Additionally, provide the EIN added in Billing Provider > EIN.


MRTH SRVC 830 Invalid CaregiverFirstName

  • Please validate if the Staff Member’s First Name in the Rethink Staff Profile> General Information > First Name exactly matches the Provider’s first name in the Tellus portal

    • If there’s a mismatch, please update the information in Rethink or Tellus portal to resolve the mismatch. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If Staff First Name in Rethink and Tellus are same then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 840 Invalid CaregiverLastName

  • Please validate if the Staff Member’s Last Name in the Rethink Staff Profile> General Information > Last Name exactly matches the Provider’s Last Name in the Tellus portal.

    • If there’s a mismatch, please update the information in Rethink or Tellus portal to resolve the mismatch. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If Staff Last Name in Rethink and Tellus are same then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 850 Invalid CaregiverLicenseNumber

  • Please validate that the Staff Member assigned to the visit has a correct NPI Number in Rethink’s Staff Profile > NPI Number.

  • Starting 11/25/2020, you will have a Medicaid ID field available on Staff Profile. If you have this populated on the Staff Profile, it will be sent to Tellus. In that case, if you receive the error please validate the Medicaid ID # entered in the Staff profile is correct.

    • If there’s an error, please update the information in Rethink to resolve the error. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If Medicaid ID# and/ or Provider NPI in Rethink are accurate then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 860 Invalid RecipientMedicaidId

  • Please validate that Id# in Rethink’s Client Profile > Funder [Medicaid] > Insured's ID#:*(Box 1a of CMS 1500) exactly matches the Recipient’s Medicaid ID in Tellus portal.

    • If there’s a mismatch, please update the information in Rethink or Tellus portal to resolve the mismatch. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If client’s Medicaid ID# in Rethink and Tellus are accurate then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 870 Invalid RecipientMemberId

  • Please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 880 Invalid RecipientFirstName

  • Please validate that Client’s First Name in Rethink’s Client Profile > First Name exactly matches the Recipient’s first name in the Tellus portal.

    • If there’s a mismatch, please update the information in Rethink or Tellus portal to resolve the mismatch. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If client’s first name is matching in both Rethink and Tellus then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 890 Invalid RecipientLastName

  • Please validate that Client’s Last Name in Rethink’s Client Profile > Last Name exactly matches the Recipient’s first name in the Tellus portal.

    • If there’s a mismatch, please update the information in Rethink or Tellus portal to resolve the mismatch. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If client’s last name is matching in both Rethink and Tellus then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 900 Invalid RecipientDob

  • Please validate that Client’s DOB in Rethink’s Client Profile > Demographics > DOB exactly matches the Recipient’s first name in the Tellus portal.

    • If there’s a mismatch, please update the information in Rethink or Tellus portal to resolve the mismatch. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If client’s DOB is matching in both Rethink and Tellus then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 910 Invalid ServiceAddress1

  • Please ensure if there’s a Clock In Location present within the Appointment > Staff Verification pop-up > Clock In Location

    • If there’s a location address present/ captured in this field then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.

  • If a Clock In Location is not present on the Staff Verification pop-up (i.e. appointment was manually verified) then please ensure a Location Address is entered in Appointment > Location Address field. Additionally, please ensure the location is in the format when searched on Google Maps.


MRTH SRVC 920 Invalid ServiceAddress2

  • Please ensure if there’s a Clock In Location present within the Appointment > Staff Verification pop-up > Clock In Location

    • If there’s a location address present/ captured in this field then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.

  • If a Clock In Location is not present on the Staff Verification pop-up (i.e. appointment was manually verified) then please ensure a Location Address is entered in Appointment > Location Address field. Additionally, please ensure the location is in the format when searched on Google Maps.


MRTH SRVC 930 Invalid ServiceCity

  • Please ensure if there’s a Clock In Location present within the Appointment > Staff Verification pop-up > Clock In Location

    • If there’s a location address present/ captured in this field then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.

  • If a Clock In Location is not present on the Staff Verification pop-up (i.e. location was not captured) then please ensure a Location Address is entered in Appointment > Location Address field. Additionally, please ensure the location is in the format when searched on Google Maps.


MRTH SRVC 940 Invalid ServiceState

  • Please ensure if there’s a Clock In Location present within the Appointment > Staff Verification pop-up > Clock In Location

    • If there’s a location address present/ captured in this field then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.

  • If a Clock In Location is not present on the Staff Verification pop-up (i.e. location was not captured) then please ensure a Location Address is entered in Appointment > Location Address field. Additionally, please ensure the location is in the format when searched on Google Maps.


MRTH SRVC 950 Invalid ServiceZip

  • Please ensure if there’s a Clock In Location present within the Appointment > Staff Verification pop-up > Clock In Location

    • If there’s a location address present/ captured in this field then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.

  • If a Clock In Location is not present on the Staff Verification pop-up (i.e. location was not captured) then please ensure a Location Address is entered in Appointment > Location Address field. Additionally, please ensure the location is in the format when searched on Google Maps.


MRTH SRVC 970 Invalid ServiceCode

  • Please ensure the Billing Code added in the Appointment is correct.

    • FL Medicaid: Current mandate only includes certain codes to be sent through Tellus.

    • Please confirm the Billing Codes are from the following:

      • H2012

      • H2014

      • H2014

      • H2019

    • Codes that are EXCLUDED are listed below:

      • H0031

      • H0032

  • If correct billing codes are entered then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 980 Invalid ServiceCodeMod1

  • Please ensure the Modifiers in the Company Account > Funder [Medicaid] > Billing Code > [Edit] are correct.

    • If incorrect modifiers are entered then please update the modifier information in Rethink. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If correct Modifiers are entered then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 990 Invalid ServiceCodeMod2

  • Please ensure the Modifiers in the Company Account > Funder [Medicaid] > Billing Code > [Edit] are correct.

    • If incorrect modifiers are entered then please update the modifier information in Rethink. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If correct Modifiers are entered then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 1080 Invalid ScheduledLatitude

  • Please ensure that a valid address is entered in the Appointment > Event Details > Location Address field.

    • If invalid or no address was entered, please update the address and re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If a valid address is entered then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 1090 Invalid ScheduledLongitude

  • Please ensure that a valid address is entered in the Appointment > Event Details > Location Address field.

    • If invalid or no address was entered, please update the address and re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If a valid address is entered then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 1100 Invalid ActualStartDateTime


MRTH SRVC 1101 Unable to Parse ActualStartDateTime


MRTH SRVC 1110 Invalid ActualEndDatetime


MRTH SRVC 1120 Invalid ActualStartLatitude

  • Please ensure if there’s a Clock In Location present within the Appointment > Staff Verification pop-up > Clock In Location

  • If there’s a location address present/ captured in this field then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error for further investigation.


MRTH SRVC 1130 Invalid ActualStartLongitude

  • Please ensure if there’s a Clock In Location present within the Appointment > Staff Verification pop-up > Clock In Location

  • If there’s a location address present or missing in this field then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error for further investigation.


MRTH SRVC 1140 Invalid ActualEndLatitude

  • Please ensure if there’s a Clock Out Location present within the Appointment > Staff Verification pop-up > Clock Out Location

  • If there’s a location address present or missing in under Clock Out Location field then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error for further investigation.


MRTH SRVC 1150 Invalid ActualEndLongitude

  • Please ensure if there’s a Clock Out Location present within the Appointment > Staff Verification pop-up > Clock Out Location

  • If there’s a location address present or missing in under Clock Out Location field then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error for further investigation.


MRTH SRVC 1231 Invalid EndState


MRTH SRVC 1232 Invalid EndZip


MRTH SRVC 1238 Invalid ScheduledEndLatitude

  • Please ensure that a valid address is entered in the Appointment > Event Details > Location Address field.

    • If invalid or no address was entered, please update the address and re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If a valid address is entered then:
    Contact support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 1239 Invalid ScheduledEndLongitude

  • Please ensure that a valid address is entered in the Appointment > Event Details > Location Address field.

    • If invalid or no address was entered, please update the address and re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If a valid address is entered then:
    Contact support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error.


MRTH SRVC 1360 Invalid AuthorizationID

  • Confirm the Authorization Number associated to the Appointment is correct. You can check the Authorization # within the EVV Billing View > Authorization # column. If the Authorization # is incorrect the update the Authorization entered in Rethink Client Profile > Authorization > Authorization # so that it matches the Prior Authorization Number in Tellus. Once updates are made, re-approve the visit for EVV via Appointment List > Actions > Approve for EVV.

  • If the Authorization Number matches then:
    Contact support@rethinkbh.com and provide the Appointment ID(s) that were rejected with this error for further investigation


MRTH SRVC 1500 Invalid TPLPaid


MRTH SRVC 002 Invalid Payer-Not-Exist-In-System OR
MRTH SRVC 730 Invalid Payer


MRTH SRVC 710 Invalid SourceSystem


MRTH SRVC 720 Invalid Jurisdiction


MRTH SRVC 740 Invalid Plan


MRTH SRVC 750 Invalid Program


MRTH SRVC 760 Invalid DeliverySystem


MRTH SRVC 761 Invalid CaregiverType


MRTH SRVC 762 Invalid StartAddressType


MRTH SRVC 763 Invalid EndAddressType

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