Canceling & Rescheduling Appointments

Canceling & Rescheduling Appointments

InstructionsVisual Support
  1. From the appointment details screen, click 'Family Canceled' or 'Staff Canceled' depending on who canceled the appointment.

2. In the cancellation menu, choose the cancellation sub-type if applicable.

3. If the appointment needs to be rescheduled, select yes. If you need someone else to report back on when the appointment can be rescheduled you can assign them a task that will appear in their tasks and notifications area.

4. If the appointment is logged as needs reschedule, an exclamation point is added to the display of the appointment on the calendar.

5. When you are ready to reschedule the appointment, click on the calendar of the the staff member or client during the time the new appointment will take place. In the options menu choose 'This appointment is a reschedule'.

6. A pop up window will appear ,then you will see a list of the appointments needing to be re-scheduled for that client.

Choose the appointment that this new appointment is replacing. This lets the system know that the appointment has been rescheduled for reporting purposes and to close out any open tasks related to this appointment.

7. Finally select 'yes' to copy the coding information from the cancelled appointment so that you don't have to build the new appointment from scratch.

8. Once the reschedule has been saved the cancelled appointment will no longer appear on the calendar, but the information about the cancellation is still saved for reporting purposes.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Rethink's template builder allows you to specify what information staff must include in their session notes. To create a template navigate to the 'Client Report Templates' area from the main navigation. 

Contact us Support@rethinkbh.com 

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