Adding trend lines to target specific graphs: Options to Customize All and Individual Graphs


Description and Images

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Description and Images

Good to Know!

View Data - Target Specific Graphs

In view data, when adding a trend line to a target-specific graph you will now have 2 options:

1.Customize All Option

  • Adding a trend line to all target specific graphs selected with the “Customize All” option:

  • Users will have the option to add the trend line across all phases or within each phase.



2.Customize Individual Target Specific Graphs

  • Adding a trend line to each individual target specific graph with the “Customize” option

  • Users will have the option to add the trend line across all phases or within each phase.




  • The ability to customize ALL or customize individual target specific graphs is available in view data and analyze data

  • No change to the trend line calculation has been made with this enhancement.

  • This new option for trend lines is available for opportunity-based with and without prompts, frequency, duration, and interval data collection types with target specific graphs.

Analyze Data - Target Specific Graphs

Similar to View Data, Analyze Data will also give users 2 options for when they need to add a trend line to a target-specific graph:

1.Customize All Option

  • Adding a trend line to all target specific graphs selected with the “Customize All” option:

  • Users will have the option to add the trend line across all phases or within each phase.



2.Customize Individual Target Specific Graphs

  • Adding a trend line to each individual target specific graph with the “Customize” option

  • Users will have the option to add the trend line across all phases or within each phase.



  • The ability to customize ALL or customize individual target specific graphs is available in view data and analyze data

  • No change to the trend line calculation has been made with this enhancement

  • This new option for trend lines is available for opportunity based with and without prompts, frequency, duration, and interval data collection types with target specific graphs..

Switching between “Customize All” and “Customize” for target specific graphs

As a user, with these 2 trend line options, you will be able to add a trend line using the Customize All option and then have the ability to Customize one or more individual target specific graphs.

Example: If you add a trend line across all phases for all target specific graphs selected and then need to change one target speciic graph to within each. phase, you will be able to make this change to one or more target specific graphs.


Trend line functionality

To review all trend line functionlaity in view data and analyze data, please Click Here