How to Edit Client Diagnoses

How to Edit Client Diagnoses

Users can now edit client diagnosis codes that have been added to active service lines of client funders.

To learn more, check out the video tutorial and our step by step how-to below:



Good to Know:



Good to Know:

Editing Diagnosis Codes

In Client Profile click on Diagnosis Section, THEN

select the “pencil” icon




  • Users will need Edit Client Info Permissions to edit diagnosis

Fields that can be edited are:

  • Status (active or inactive)

  • End Date

  • Service Lines (add or remove)

  • Service Line Order (the order that the diagnosis will appear on the Diagnosis page, as well as the order displayed when adding an authorization)




Inactivating Diagnosis Codes

Inactivating a diagnosis code can be completed in 2 different ways:

  1. Change the status to ‘inactive’-When saved, the end date will auto-populate with the date it was marked as inactive.

  2. Enter an end date for the diagnosis.


Diagnosis codes may be reactivated at any time.


An inactive diagnosis code can be reactivated, by updating the status to active.



Inactivating Diagnosis Codes Connected to Client Authorizations


When inactivating diagnosis codes that are connected to client authorizations the system will provide a warning:


Inactive diagnosis codes that were previously added to authorizations and connected to appointments will have a Validation “Inactive Diagnosis Code (inactive date)” in the Billing Export:



Editing Service Lines in a Diagnosis



  • A Diagnosis may be added to another service line while in edit mode.

  • Service lines can be removed from a diagnosis only if it has not been connected to a client authorization.

  • Removing a diagnosis from a Service Line deletes the diagnosis from the diagnosis history under that service line.

  • A diagnosis cannot be removed from all service lines, and should instead be deleted, if desired.

Editing Service Line Order


A diagnosis in the #1 order will default into the diagnosis field when adding a new authorization for the client.


COMING SOON: the ability to report multiple diagnosis codes in authorizations/billing exports

Client Diagnosis and Client Authorizations

Active diagnosis codes will display as options to be selected when adding the client’s authorizations.


  • If you do not see a diagnosis for a specific service line then go back to client profile diagnosis section and check that there is an active diagnosis for that service line.

  • Only active diagnoses attached to the service line will display as options to be selected on the client’s authorizations.

Deleting Diagnoses


Select the “trash can” icon.

Once the icon is clicked, you will receive a pop-up confirmation:


  • Users must have permissions to Delete Client Info

  • We recommend inactivating diagnosis over deleting when possible since an inactive code can always be recovered

  •  A diagnosis cannot be deleted if attached to an active authorization and user will receive a warning.


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