Audit Tips: Changes to Client Diagnosis and Referring Provider Functionality

Audit Tips: Changes to Client Diagnosis and Referring Provider Functionality

As we continue working towards more billing functionalities within the Rethink system we are incrementally launching enhancements along the way.

The changes and improvements we made required us to account for existing data in your system. Please check out the areas that we think you need to know about below and please take the time to review our recommendations for performing proactive auditing of your system.


Here is what you need to know about the latest enhancements:

  1. Diagnoses can be connected to any client’s active Service Line (ABA, Speech, OT etc).

  2. Client Diagnoses can be inactivated.

  3. Client Diagnoses can be put into the correct order for claim submissions. (although claims cannot currently be generated from Rethink - “yet”, good time to them in ORDER.

  4. Referring Providers can be added and managed in your Company account now.

  5. Referring Providers will no longer be connected to a client’s diagnosis.

  6. Referring Providers can be added directly to any client authorization IF the payor requires.


Your Existing Data

We recommend you:

Your Existing Data

We recommend you:


Client Diagnosis Assignments

  1. A diagnosis was added to a client’s active service line IF there was an authorization present with the same diagnosis and service line. (see example below).

Inactive and Active Auths apply.

F84.0 diagnosis assigned to Client Auth for service Early Intervention

F84.0 diagnosis was added to Client Service Line Early Intervention in the Client’s Profile.

2**. If a diagnosis was present in client record but not assigned to an authorization we added it to all service lines for that client.

Audit all client diagnosis assignments
Check that all diagnoses are added to the correct service line
Inactivate or delete any diagnosis as needed

Auditing Client Diagnosis Tip: Clean up client diagnoses assigned to service lines that are not needed. This is specific to #2** outlined in the table to the left.

See the video below for more details:





Company Account Referring Provider Assignments

We added Referring Providers to your company account IF they were added to a client diagnosis.


  1. Since users could add a Referring Provider using free text, there is a chance there could be multiple versions of the Referring Provider.

  2. If there were duplicate referring providers previously set, the address for the Referring Provider will be updated to that last updated. So for example if I had “Dr. Konchar Address: 123 ABC Road, Updated a month ago” and another “Dr. Konchar Address: blank Updated: yesterday” blank address will be added to your system after feature launch.


In the sample below there are 2 versions for Referring Provider “A.Referring Provider 3”. One with an NPI and one without and the name was entered differently.



Review Referring Providers in your company account.
Check for different versions of the same provider.


  • The Referring Providers you inactivate may be connected to clients as well as client authorizations.

Check out our Auditing Tips Below:

TIP 1: Find client authorizations assigned to Inactive Referring Provider with existing appointments:


TIP 2: Find client authorizations assigned to Inactive Referring Provider with No Scheduled appointments


NPI Entries

Previously users could enter NPI’s without any validation

Update now includes NPI lookup to the NPIIS Registry

Check the NPI’s are valid right within your Rethink system.

We assigned a Referring Provider to any client authorization IF the client diagnosis had a connected Referring Provider with an NPI or First and Last Name.


If you have inactivated any Referring Providers at the company account then you will want to watch the Audit Tips in # 2 above.



For more information about these features click on the links below:

Managing Referring Providers in your Company Account

How to Manage Referring Providers in Client Profiles

How to Edit Client Diagnoses How to Add Client Diagnosis

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