Customizing a Skills Goals: Using Goals vs. Goals and Objectives

Customizing a Skills Goals: Using Goals vs. Goals and Objectives

Staff have the flexibility to customize Goals to be goal only or they can create a goal with goals and objectives.

GOAL ONLY Programs


  • A staff can select GOALS to create a GOAL only goal when customizing a client’s goal.

    • This option REMOVES an OBJECTIVES associated with the goal

    • The default for programs will ALWAYS be goal and objectives. A staff MUST manually select GOAL ONLY.

  • The GOAL field should be used to indicate the terminal goal for the program being customized.

  • ALL TEACHING TARGETS added will be associated with the terminal goal.


  • All the customization options associated with creating a goal will be available for GOAL ONLY programs.

    • teaching with or without prompts

    • All data collection methods (opportunity-based, frequency, duration, task analysis , and interval recording)

    • Placing targets on HOLD

    • Removing Targets

    • Using the system targets option or adding in custom targets



  • A staff can select GOALS and OBJECTIVES for a program when when customizing a client’s goals.

    • The GOAL field should be used to indicate the terminal goal for the program being customized.

      • The last Objective can be the same as the GOAL

    • This option allows staff to use/remove any pre-populated objectives and/or add any new objectives.

    • All objective fields can be customized

  • All the customization options associated with creating a program will be available for GOALS and OBJECTIVES programs.

    • teaching with or without prompts

    • All data collection methods (opportunity-based, frequency, duration, task analysis , and interval recording)

    • Placing targets on HOLD

    • Removing Targets

    • Using the system targets option or adding in custom targets

  • Targets MUST be assigned to an OBJECTIVE

    • OBJECTIVE 1 and ALL targets associated MUST be mastered before OBJECTIVE 2 can be taught. This applies to ALL sequential OBJECTIVES.

    • Two OBJECTIVES can NOT be taught simultaneously.

    • If staff master an objective and move on to another, you cannot go back and add more targets to the previous objective.

    • If staff forget to take targets off of hold in an objective and moved on, you cannot go back and take those targets off of hold. If staff wish to teach those targets, they should be added to a existing or new objective.

  • All OBJECTIVES and Targets associated with OBJECTIVES must be mastered in order to MASTER the goal.

    • If a staff needs to UNMASTER the program, they will be able to edit the LAST OBJECTIVE and the GOAL field to begin teaching again.

    • Staff cannot unmaster objectives.

      • If you need an Objective unmastered, reach out to support@rethinkbh.com to have the objective unmastered. Please include: client initials (first three and last three), name of the program the objective is in, the objective # that needs unmastered.

      • If data has already began on the next objective the request cannot be made as only one objective can be open at a time.


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