How to Create a Progress Note with Anecdotal Data

How to Create a Progress Note with Anecdotal Data

Workflow for creating a Progress Note within Rethink if you collected anecdotal data on goals.

Steps and Description

Details and Images

Steps and Description

Details and Images


Go to the Client’s profile. Select the FUNDER REPORT tab. Select ADD Funder report. Select the appropriate PROGRESS NOTE Template using the drop down. Select the appropriate Service line.



Name the Report within the first text field. Fill out any needed information within text boxes (i.e. Developmental History, Interpretation of Tests, etc.).



Under Recommended Goal Progress/Goal Progress, Select the date at which you started working on the first goal within the authorization period for start date. Select the CURRENT date or LAST DAY of the authorization for the end date.

Recommended Goal Progress/Goal Progress



Use the check box next to each goal to include or exclude a goal from the report. Use the displays per graph to change any display information if needed. Enter GOAL STATUS (i.e., not started, Goal in progress, Goal met, etc.). Add any needed notes in the notes box.



Ensure all fields are completed within the report. Select “SAVE”. Select “SAVE TO FILE CABINET”.



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