Running Unbilled Audits in Rethink

Running Unbilled Audits in Rethink

Purpose: To quickly identify appointments that have not been synced with Kareo / billed by running the audit steps below.



Reporting Dashboard

In Rethink, go to your Reporting Dashboard > Billing Export


Run Billing Export

Specify date range to pull data to audit, download to Excel


Audit Unbilled

In the Billing Export, highlight row 5 and add a filter.

Once the filter has been applied, scroll all the way to the right to the very last column of the billing export - ‘Kareo Encounter ID’

Click on the filter option and de-select ‘Blanks’

Once all lines with Encounter IDs are showing, highlight ALL rows showing and delete rows

Go back to ‘Kareo Encounter ID’ column and select the filter to add back in ‘Blanks’

Any lines showing without an encounter ID represent lines that have not been synced with Kareo for various reasons - see below.


Export Unbilled Appointments to Kareo

Once charges have been audited/finalized, click ‘Export to Kareo’ to sync appointments for billing through Kareo and finish Claim Submission process

Reasons why appointments may be showing as Unbilled:

  1. Previously manually removed from a prior export and never billed (overlap charges, etc.)

  2. Appointments were added and verified late

  3. Late entries were missed when pulling charges, therefore not captured during exporting

  4. Date was not previously caught in prior batch


Check out this quick video walking through the steps above: