Setting Up New Insurance Companies in Kareo

Setting Up New Insurance Companies in Kareo

Please view a brief video tutorial below on how to properly map Insurance Companies in Kareo:




Good To Know



Good To Know

Login to your Kareo Account > Settings > Insurance > Insurance Companies



This will open your insurance company list

To add a new insurance company or funder, click “+ add insurance” at top right of screen



Search for insurance company in “Most Commonly Requested” tab by finding funder and click the + next to the insurance company name. This will add insurance company to the “Selected Insurances” section at bottom of add insurance screen. Once all are added to your list, click save.



This tab will pull payors based on your practice location of most commonly requested insurance companies


IF funder is not available on most commonly requested, use the “Search Other” tab – it will default to pulling only options in your current practice state but you can adjust the state in the drop down menu – select “ALL”. Once all are added to your list, click save.

Adding a funder that does not have a payer ID i.e. a school district


If you are adding in a school district or a funder that does not have payer ID, you will want to manually type the funders name in the search box to add to your insurance company list



 Once all insurance companies and funders are added to your list you will then need to proceed to complete the enrollment process contingent upon status. Please review Enrolling Insurance Companies for Claims/ERAs in Kareo on how to do this.





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