How to Delete a Client Record

Staff with the approved permissions can now delete client records.

ActionDescriptionGood to Know

1.Delete Record from Client List

Click on the shortcut icon.


a CONFIRMATION window will appear


The related entities of the client will NOT show in any screen or any export or be counted toward any statistics or reports in the system.

  • client appointments
  • client contacts
  • client diagnosis
  • client funder
  • authorizations
  • staff assignment
  • scheduling setup
  • file cabinet
  • Client Programs
  • Behavior Plans
  • Assessment
  • Data Entry
  • Reports in the Reporting Dashboard.

This action can be "undone", but we recommend using the delete function only when absolutely necessary.

2.Delete RECORD from Client Profile

a.Select Client Record


b.Click "Demographics" section


c.Click on the DELETE button.

d. Click YES in the confirmation window.

Client Record Display

Confirmation Window

After Successful Deletion, the system will take you back to the Client List.

3. Locate Previously Deleted Clients

Select the Deleted Status to pull any client that has been deleted.

Any client that is deleted will be assigned that status "Deleted"

4. UNDELETE Clients

Deleted clients can be undeleted by changing the status to any other active/inactive status

5. Delete Permission

Users must be granted this permission via your company account>roles sections.

  • The delete button in either client profile or client list will be rendered only for those users having this permission
  • The permission will be assigned to role 4 by default.
  • Users having this permission will be able to delete from client profile and from client list
  • User having this permission will be the only ones able to see deleted clients to undelete them 
6. Adding Client After Deletion

The system will not check against any deleted client to check if the record being entered is a duplicate.