Warnings Messages when Editing Authorizations

Warnings Messages when Editing Authorizations

Editing Authorizations is easy if you have permissions to perform this function.

This tutorial will provide scenarios that may result in you receiving warnings when Editing Authorizations in your system.

Tip:  Before making any changes to a client's authorization we recommend the following:

Know what your Funder Scheduling Rules are for " Appointment Exceeds Authorized Hours".

Your company has 3 options to select:

  • Allow
  • Warn and Allow
  • Do Not Allow

Our system will take into account each funder this scheduling rule for any change that is made to a client authorization.

Warning MessageDescriptionAction Taken by Rethink SystemAction Needed by User

"This change will result in existing appointments falling outside the authorized dates. These appointments will display orange in color on the calendar and are listed below"

Changes made to the Auth Dates will result in existing appointments falling OUTSIDE the new authorization period.


Auth Date was for 1/1/2018-1/31/2018

End Date is changed to 1/16/18

There are existing appointments for the time period 1/17/18-1/21/18.

If you "Save" the system will:

Tag the appointments that no longer fall within the authorization date as

"No authorization" and they will be Orange in Color on the scheduler.

For this example the appointments dated 1/17-1/21/18 will now be orange on the staff calendar and be tagged as No Authorization. 

Create a new authorization and reconnect the appointments 1/17-1/21/18 to the new authorization.

*note: if the final authorization has not been received then a "pending" auth can be entered. to learn how click here.

Entering Authorizations

"This change will result in existing appointment(s) exceeding the authorized units.

Scheduling Rule "Appointment Exceeds Authorized Hours" is

"Do Not Allow"

This warning is informing you the changes made to the # of Auth units will result in existing appointments exceeding the new authorized units.

You will NOT be allowed to SAVE

System will not allow you to save changes since the Scheduling Rule is set to "Do Not Allow".

You may need to review the scheduled hours for this client and service to determine if modifications are needed.

"This change will result in existing appointment exceeding the authorized units"

Scheduling Rule "Appointment Exceeds Authorized Hours" is 

 "Warn and Allow"



This warning is informing you the changes made to the # of Auth units will result in existing appointments exceeding the new authorized units.

You will be allowed to SAVE

If you SAVE: Rethink system will 

Any appointments that Exceed the Authorized Units will display pink in color and will be tagged as "Exceeds Hours".

When running billing export check the validation column to identify the appointments that exceed the authorized amount to avoid overcharging your funder.

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