Editing Authorizations

Editing Authorizations

Editing Authorizations is easy if you have permissions to perform this function.

 DescriptionVisual Support

Tip:  Before making any changes to a client's authorization we recommend the following:

Know what your Funder Scheduling Rules are for " Appointment Exceeds Authorized Hours".

Your company has 3 options to select:

  • Allow
  • Warn and Allow
  • Do Not Allow

Our system will take into account each funder scheduling rule for any change that is made to a client authorization.

Navigate to the authorizations section of the client's profile then select the "EDIT" button for the authorization you would like to modify

Fields that CANNOT be SELECTED at anytime.

  • Funder Name
  • Service Line
  • Unit type

These fields come from your Company>Funder Set Up.

For more info see: 

Company Set Up Items

Fields that CANNOT be SELECTED if there are: 


  1. Service Name

Fields that CAN be SELECTED if there are


  1. Authorized Received?
  2. Diagnosis 
  3. Rendering Provider
  4. ADD Service to this Authorization
  5. Service Name 
  6. Auth Frequency
  7. Sched Goal Frequency

Fields that CAN be SELECTED if there are:


  1. Authorized Received?
  2. Diagnosis 
  3. Rendering Provider
  4. ADD Service Button
  5. Auth Frequency
  6. Sched Goal Frequency

Fields that CAN be EDITED at ANYTIME

  1. Authorization #
  2. Start Date/End Date
  3. Auth # Units
  4. Sched Goal Units

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