Creating Funder Reports


Funder Reports is a location within a Client’s profile where treatment report writing is completed for the client.

E.g. Initial Authorization reports, Re-Authorization Reports , Progress Reports, etc.

Funder Reports are created for a client from the Treatment Report templates made for your account (Client Report Templates section). You cannot write a report within the Funder Report area without having a template that has been paired with the same funder as said client.

NOTE: If you do not see a template available, please communicate with your admin team members on making sure templates have been made and paired with the same funder of the client with whom you are completing the report.

See our resource on building Client Report Templates if needed

When ready to create a Funder Report, you’ll navigate to the client’s profile and select the Funder Report tab.



Select from the TEMPLATE provided within the drop down menu.





Complete the Report

Using the fields of the template chosen, complete the report accordingly.

  • What you have available to fill in/complete is dependent on how the template was built

  • Some fields may have prepopulated data (i.e. Client’s Name) and some fields may require anecdotal information to be inputted

  • Complete all areas that are required

Pulling Programming and/or Clinical Goal Data into the Report

These four fields will pull in programming to the report if they are present within the template. The difference between each one is dependent on the location of the goal within the client’s profile and whether or not the goal has data.

  • Skill Acquisition Progress

  • Behavior Reduction Progress

  • Recommended Skills

  • Recommended Behaviors

The Skill Acquisition Progress field will pull in goals located within the Current Plan of the Client’s Client Program Tab

The Behavior Reduction Progress field will pull in behavior plans within the Behavior Support Tab of a client’s profile that have data collected

The Recommended Skills field will pull goals that have been added to the Future Plan of the Client’s Client Program Tab

The Recommended Behaviors field will pull behavior programs with Step 1 filled out and with no data collected

Complete the filter options provided and select PREVIEW. Program information will popiulate and if data has been collected, that will be graphed according to the filters.

Graphing Filters

Graphing Filters available for display:

  • Start and end dates

  • Target display

  • Graph type

  • Filter View by trial set, day, week, or month and average vs total

Changes can be made to graph display even after selecting PREVIEW


To see the different filters that can be used when generating visual displays for data within a Funder Report, see

Program information that displays from the options above are as follows:

Skill Acquisition Programs:

  • Mastery Criteria for the Program

  • Maintenance Mastery Criteria

  • Start Date

  • Baseline information

  • Total mastered targets

Visual below is an example Skill Acquisition Program within a Funder Report. The according graph for the program would display underneath.

Behavior Support Programs

  • Goal and each objective (if chosen in program)

  • Definition

  • Functions (if added within plan)

  • Start Date

  • Baseline information (if collected)

  • Antecedent / Consequence information if added

Visual below is an example Behavior Support Program within a Funder Report. The according graph for the program would display underneath.


Using a Custom Graph option

If Custom Graph option is added to a report, outside files can be uploaded to include into the report

Using a Custom Table option

If Custom Table was used within the template, see for additional information of how this feature can be used within your Funder Report


Saving the Report

Once all fields of the Report are completed, select SAVE.

  • You can always edit the Report further if needed.

  • If fields with asterisks are not filled out, draft versions will not save

Note: the report automatically saves every few minutes, so the Save As option only populates if a version has been automatically saved or previously manually saved

Once SAVED, a report can be:

  • Further Edited (EDIT FUNDER REPORT)

  • DOWNLOADED (into a word document or a PDF)


NOTE: If a report is saved to a word document, FURTHER EDITS can be completed outside of the Rethink platform

  • Examples: Adding outside assessment information to the report, editing fonts, adding in additional visuals or graphs, etc.


Additional actions may be completed from the Funder Report landing page (depending on permissions). This is done via the lightning bolt next to a listed report.

  • RENAME a report

  • DELETE a report

  • DUPLICATE a report