Allow/Block Users from verifying appointments tagged as "No Authorization"

Allow/Block Users from verifying appointments tagged as "No Authorization"

UPDATE 3/11/22: Rethink has added functionality to the Website application. This feature was previously only available on the Rethink App.

How can I enable this feature?

Go to Company Account>Scheduling

Scroll Down to the setting: “Allow users to verify billable appointments with No Authorization”.


Staff will be BLOCKED from taking any actions on appointments tagged as “No Authorization”.

Staff will be ALLOWED to take actions on appointments tagged as “No Authorization”



How will staff or parents know they cannot take action on an appointment with NO authorization?

  1. When Staff hovers over verification options in the appointment detail screen they will see a message:

“You are unable to verify this appointment due to this client currently lacking authorization. Please contact your admin to add an authorization”

NOTE: Parents logging in will see the message: “You are unable to verify this appointment due to this client currently lacking authorization”.

ON RETHINK WEBSITE - Session Notes (new as of 3/11/22)

When user clicks on the Session note tab in the appointment detail screen, they will see a message:

“You are unable to complete a session note for this appointment due to this client currently lacking authorization. Please contact your admin to add an authorization.


When user opens their appointment from the calendar menu on app, user will see message:

You are unable to verify this appointment due to this client lacking authorization. Please contact your admin to add an authorization.


Any billable appointment that has “No Authorization” added to the service and billing code in the appointment detail.

  • Appointment Series are scheduled with NO End Date or with a later end date than the Authorization end date.

  • Authorization dates are modified and result in existing appointments being disconnected from the authorization.


Funder Billing Codes that are set up to bypass the authorization feature