Behaviors: Duration per occurrence shown in details

Behaviors: Duration per occurrence shown in details

Ability to view each occurrence for duration data collection for behaviors when viewing the details on the website or mobile app.

When viewing session data, ability to hover over a behavior data point and view the total duration and each duration occurrence.

Behaviors set up with duration data collection and multiple occurrences entered:



Good to Know!



Good to Know!

After entering in behavior data on the website or mobile app, you will now see updates made to the details in view data for the behavior.

No changes have been made to data entry, only improvements to details and the calculation.

Once duration data has been saved or synced for behaviors, you will see a new column called “duration per occurrence”


Start time, End time, Duration per occurrence, Total Duration, and Notes will be shown on both the website and mobile app.





Duration per occurrence is calculated as the total time difference between the start and end time of each occurrence (occurred to - occurred from). This should be displayed in minutes as a default.


Duration for more than 1 minute: If duration for more than a minute is saved and synced, this will be calculated to the exact time to 2 decimal points.

For example - 1 minute 34 seconds/94 seconds = 1.56 minutes (1.56667).

If a decimal needs to be rounded for 2 decimal points, it will round down.

Duration for less than a minute: If a duration of less than a minute is saved/synced, it will be calculated to the exact time to 2 decimal points.

If a decimal needs to be rounded for 2 decimal points, it should round down. For example, 46 seconds will be calculated as 0.76 minutes (0.766667).


Duration for less than a minute and zero: This calculation will not round the duration for the occurrence to 0.

For example: 14 seconds = 0.23 minutes, if a user syncs data that is less than a minute, it should not round down to zero, it should sync as the exact time to the nearest two decimal points.





Good to Know!



Good to Know!

When multiple occurrences are entered for a behavior with duration data collection, if you hover over the data point you will see the date, the staff who entered the data, total duration, and the duration for each occurrence.


Session/Trial Set data point hover details are shown in:

  • View data

  • Analyze data

  • Funder Reports





After behavior data with duration data collection has been saved or synced, you will see duration per occurrence in the details for your session data. The details of each occurrence will be the same as shown on the website.

Go to a behavior with duration data collecttion, click on settings, then click on the DATA tab:



Viewing duration per occurrence:

Click on the far right arrow next to the total duration, to view the details of each occurrence.

Data tab:
