"Auto Save" Session Note Feature and more 6.19.18

Users have provided feedback that has resulted in the following session note improvements on both mobile and desktop versions.

We recommend that you clear cache on your mobile or desktop in order for these improvements to work.

Instructions for Clearing cache: Clear Your Browser Cache

Area of ImprovmentDescriptionDevice Type ImpactedGOOD TO KNOW
1Fields were being cut off and not fully visible on mobile devices

When accessing session note templates on a mobile device; all field types should be visible on a mobile device without being cut off.

Mobile and Tablet Devices 

This should be a lot more user friendly.

IF using "table" fields you may not see all columns available due to the constraint of your device screen size. Please swipe to the left to see all columns if needed.

2Session note entries were not saving unless all mandatory fields were completed and user manually saved the session note


Session notes will now be auto-saved regardless if the user has completed all mandatory fields or has left the session note area.

The auto-save feature will engage when:

  • user is inactive for 5 plus minutes.
  • user does not complete session note fully, and has chosen to log out of system
  • user has been inactive in the session note tab and has been logged out by the system
  • on mobile device user is in the session note and selects the "back button"
  • on desktop device user is in session note then clicks into another area of the system which is outside the appointment.


1.If a session note has been "auto saved"; this will not have any impact on the account appointment verification rules. 

For example: Until a user manually saves a session note it will not be considered completed and will not be saved to the Client's Filing cabinet.

3.How will I know if my session note was "auto saved"? 

Above the session note in the appointment you will see the following:

"Draft, name of the user who made the latest change and the date when the latest auto save occurred.

"Draft, Jane Doe, 6/16/2018"


This comes in handy if you decide to go to another area of the system before "saving the session note"

Sample Draft Session Note: (desktop version).

Once the user "manually" saves a note then the session note will be considered completed and will save to the client filing cabinet.


Unable to complete or save session notes due to appointment warnings that were specific to Hours being Exceeded.

Session notes are no longer looking at system scheduling rules, session notes can be saved regardless of any existing appointment warnings.


We hope you find this a much better experience.

5.What if I have unsaved changes when in the Session Note or Appt Details and decide to move to another area of the system?

If you move from the Session Note Tab to the Event Details Tab or Vice Versa the system will be checking to see if there are any unsaved changes.

  • Desktop Only (when completing session note "save session note" icon will appear)

If there are unsaved changes, the system will display a pop-up screen saying "Unsaved Changes - Your Appointment Details / Session Notes have unsaved changes. Do you want to save them?

Options are Yes, No, Cancel

    • Yes will save the changes in the source tab, close the pop-up screen, and switches to the new tab
    • No will delete/ignore the changes in the source tab, close the pop-up screen, and navigate to the new tab
    • Cancel will just close the pop-up screen and return the user to the source tab

On a mobile device users will see the "save" icon only.

If there are unsaved changes mobile users will receive the same message that appears for desktop users if they select to "cancel"

6.Lack of warnings when users is logged out by systemIf you have not been active for a period of time and the system logs you out, the system will provide a warning that you have actually been logged outDesktop/Mobile