Entering Session Notes and Verifying An Appointment

Entering Session Notes and Verifying An Appointment

When entering data on the mobile app, follow the steps below to enter session notes and to verify an appointment


Collect Data and Go back to the appointment to Sync

Once you finish data collection, you will have to go back to the appointment to complete session note and sync the data from there.





Collect Session Note and then Verify

Once you go back to the appointment, you will notice that the order of tabs has changed. Notes is now coming before the verify

Typically you will fill the session notes within the session as the last step will be to verify the session times and obtain parent’s signature



  • Even after you sync the appointment, you can always come back to collect more data points from within the appointment and link them to this appointment.



Select your template under the NOTES tab & Enter all detail of the session note:

  • All required fields

  • Daily Data Summary options have been selected

  • Parent and Staff Signatures


Daily Data Summary Info Button

  • Include ALL data points: Includes all clinical data recorded for the same client and same date by the selected staff member on website or app.

  • Include only LINKED data points: Includes only clinical data entered for the selected appointment by the staff member logged into the mobile app.

  • Checkbox: Check the box to link other clinical data entered for the same client and the same day. This will only be used when choosing linked data points.


Tap on the Verify Button:

  • Confirm the start and end time, press the orange verify button. It will turn green once verified.

  • If a parent verification is required complete this as well by selecting the name and relationship. If a signature is required, include this as well.




Syncing your data, session note, and verification

  • Press the Sync Button in the top right hand corner

  • You will receive a message stating “Are you sure you want to Sync?”

  • If you push yes, you will then receive a sync confirmation stating “Successful Sync”





Logging Out

Once you have successfully synced all data, press the back arrow to log out

Once you have successfully synced all data, press the back arrow to log out!



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