Enabling and Setting up EVV for your Account with Tellus

Enabling and Setting up EVV for your Account with Tellus

  1. Please reach out to your Account Manager or the Rethink Support team at support@rethinkbh.com to enable EVV for your account in Rethink.

    1. Please ensure your Company Account> Basic Information section is setup with correct NPI(National Provider Identifier), Medicaid ID and EIN (Federal Tax ID # and match with the corresponding details in the Tellus account. These are critical fields required for Tellus and will cause visit rejections if not added.

2. Company Account -

  1. Navigate to Company Account > Basic Information

    1. Navigate to the Name field

    2. Update the Company Name to EXACTLY MATCH the Name in the Tellus > Billing Provider section

    3. Navigate to the Medicaid ID field

    4. Update the Medicaid ID to EXACTLY MATCH the Medicaid ID in the Tellus > Billing Provider section

  2. Funders associated with appointments requiring EVV should have the EVV Verification Setting to Tellus

    1. Navigate to Company Account > Funders > Medicaid > [Edit]

    2. Select ‘Tellus’ as a value for Electronic Visit Verification
      Please note that you will see the Electronic Visit Verification field only when EVV is turned ON for your account (Step 1)

  3. Users Clocking In/ Clocking Out should have Verify Appointments permission

    1. Navigate to Company Account > Roles > Edit Permissions > Scroll to Scheduler Permissions > Ensure the Verify Appointments is checked

  4. Schedule Appointments in the Individual Calendar for the clients in Rethink’s website.

  5. Ensure the Medicaid ID # is populated for Staff Members who will be performing the services. Please note that not populating the Medicaid ID # for the provider may result in a Claim Denial.

    1. You can update the Medicaid ID # in Staff Member Profile > General Information > Medicaid ID


    2. Ensure all clients that will be billed through Tellus have a Referring Physician {First Name, Last Name, and NPI Number added in the Client Profile > Referring Providers > Add New.

Once added to the client’s Referring Provider page, the Referring Provider must also be selected on the Client’s Authorizations:

Failure to add Referring Physician Names and NPI will result in Rejections of visits.

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