Data Decision Permissions

Data Decision Permissions

New!!! The Data Decision Permissions will allow you to restrict permissions making data decisions, deleting own data, and unmastering skill acquisition targets and goals. WIth these new features there will NOT be any default changes and staff can continue entering data without any obstacles. Administrators can make changes to staff permissions in role permissions located in the company account.


Description and Images

Good to know!


Description and Images

Good to know!

Roles & Editing Permissions



The new data decision permissions are located in the company account area. Once in the company account:

1.Click on roles.

2.Locate the role that changes need to be made.

3Click on edit permissions.

4.Locate the new permissions under data entry and uncheck or check any permissions needed.

5.Save all changes for each role.

  • Important! There are no default changes made with the release of these new permissions. Any change needs to be made at the company account level to restrict access with the new Data Entry Permissions

  • For exisitng roles, if the current permission for data entry is checked by default the following will be checked:

    • Make Data Decisions

    • Delete Own Data

    • Unmaster Skill Goals and Targets

  • For exisiting roles, if the current permission for data entry is unchecked, by default the following will be unchecked:

    • Make Data Decisions

    • Delete Own Data

    • Unmaster Skill Goals and Targets

  • For all new roles created, all permissions below will be set to unchecked. Administrators can decide what permissions under “Data Entry” should be checked.

    • Make Data Decisions

    • Delete Own Data

    • Unmaster Skill Goals and Targets


Making Data Decisions


  • Abiliity enable/disable data decision making with mastery criteria and mastering targets. Mastery Criteria Notifications and Master buttons will be hidden.

  • *Default is set to checked if “Enter Data” is currently checked, administrators can change this permission at each role. If data entry is currently unchecked, the permission will be unchecked.

  • If the “Make Data Decisions” permission is unchecked the following will be restricted for staff members:

    • Mastering Skill/Maintenance targets, objectives, goals, & changing prompt levels

    • Mastering Behavior objectives and goals

    • The orange data decision dot and all notifications will be hidden:

  • Important! If you restrict staff from mastering targets, objectives, and goals, be sure to communicate this change to staff after making changes to the permissions of each role.

  • Tip! It is recommended that BCBA permissions remain turned on so that targets, objectives, and goals can have this notification in place.

  • Tip! If an RBT role does not have permission to “Make Data Decisions”, it’s recommended to let BCBAs know of this change and that close monitoring of the data decisions will be needed.

  • Important! Roles and staff members that have the “Make Data Decision” permission unchecked will still be able to collect data even if mastery criteria has been met.

  • Important! By default all staff will have the ability to “Make Data Decisions” if they have “Enter Data” checked.

View for staff without this permissions:


Delete Own Data

  • Ability to enable/disable access to delete data for baseline, skills, maintenance, behaviors, phase change lines, and ABC data. When “Delete Own Data” is unchecked, the delete button will be hidden.

  • *Default is set to checked if data entry is currently checked, administrators can change this permission at each role. If data entry is currently unchecked, the permission will be unchecked.

  • If the “Delete Own Data” permission is unchecked the following will be restricted for staff members:

    • Deleting phase change lines

    • Deleting baseline data

    • Deleting teaching data (targets)

    • Deleting maintenance target data

    • Deleting behavior data

    • Deleting ABC data


  • Important! If you restrict staff from deleting their own data, be sure to communicate this change after making changes to the permissions of each role.

  • Important! If a staff member has “Delete Data Collected by Others” checked, by default this will check “Delete Own Data”. If needed, a role/staff members can have the ability to delete their own data but not delete others data.

  • Important! By default all staff will have the ability to delete their own data if they have Enter Data checked.

  • View for staff without this permissions:

Skill Data, Behavior Data and ABC Data from View Data:


Unmaster Skill Goals and Targets

  • Ability to enable/disable access to unmaster targets in view data and unmaster a goal in the client program area. When the “Unmaster Skill Goals and Targets” is unchecked, the unmaster button will be hidden for targets and goals.

  • *Default is set to checked if data entry is currently checked, administrators can change this permission at each role. If data entry is currently unchecked, the permission will be unchecked.

  • If the “Unmaster Skill Goals and Targets” permission is unchecked the following will be restricted for staff members:

    • Unmaster skill acquisition goals in the client program area.

    • Unmaster targets in the view data area.


  • Important! If you restrict staff from unmastering skill targets and goals, be sure to communicate this change after making changes to the permissions of each role.

  • Important! By default all staff will have the ability to unmaster targets and goals with skill acquisition programs.

  • View for staff without this permissions:

View data and Client Program areas:


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