Task Analysis N/A option (Website)

Task Analysis N/A option (Website)

When collecting task analysis data, you are now able to enter N/A for any active task analysis step. This is available for existing and new task analysis programs. The N/A option is available for all types of chains with and without prompts in both teaching and in maintenance data collection modes.

The following guide is a tutorial for task analysis N/A on Rethink’s website:


Description and Images

Good to Know!


Description and Images

Good to Know!

Important! If you have set up a prompt level as NA on an existing Task Analysis program prior to this release, you will see 2 NA options. To address this and avoid confusion with staff entering data, it is recommended to either:

1.Edit the prompt level name with Discontinued or Archived Prompt Level and add a new label (e.g. X, /, – ) .

2.Duplicate the program and remove the NA prompt level on the duplicate program.

Edit the prompt level name/code:


Duplicate Option:

For any new task analysis goal, you will have N/A automatically as an option for both with or without prompts.

Data Entry with N/A

For current and new skill acquisition goals with task analysis data collection, you can enter N/A for active steps.

Without prompts

With prompts


  • N/A applies to all types of chains (forward, backward, and total task) for goals with and without prompts.

  • N/A is available for all active steps. E.g. steps that have not been introduced with forward and backwards chains, no data entry or n/a is available.

  • N/A is available for both teaching and maintenance data collection.

  • If staff attempt to enter N/A for all steps of task analysis data collection goal, they will receive an error message since N/A has no value when attempting to save/sync.


N/A Calculation with Task Analysis

When entering N/A for a task analysis step, this step will be removed from the final calculation.

Ex. Total task, 5 steps, one step scored with N/A. Step 4 is removed from the calcualtion and scored # correct steps (3)/total number of steps (4).

step 1: +

step 2: +

step 3: +

step 4: N/A

step 5: -

Final calcuation 3/4 = 75%

N/A is available for one or more opportunities when using task analysis data collection.


View data:

Performance Graph, Step Graph, and Details

Performance Graph:

Calculation with N/A will be reflected in the performance graph.

Steps Graph:

N/A will be shown on the corresponding step if entered in data entry:


N/A will be shown in the details when entered in data entry:


When entering multiple opportunities with N/A, this will be reflected in both graphs and the details in view data.




Analyze Data

Performance and Steps Graphs

In Analyze Data, If N/A has been entered in data entry, it will be shown with steps graphs and the updated calculation will be reflected in the performance graphs.

Without prompts

With prompts


  • N/A will be reflected in all calculations and exports in Analyze Data

    • PDF

    • Excel

    • CSV

Funder Reports

Similar to Analyze Data, you will now be able to view N/A on your steps graphs for goals with and Without prompts

With prompts



Session Notes and Daily Data Summary

N/A is also shown in the details for Session Notes and Daily Data Summary

Session Notes

Daily Data Summary:




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