Rethink Cheat Sheet- Navigating Rethink for Parents


View on Rethink’s Website


View on Rethink’s Website

  • Logging In

  • If you forget your username or password these both can be reset by entering in your email address on the main log in page

You will enter your username and password each time to have access.



Main Menu Page

From the Main Menu Page, you will have access to these areas below:

Clients - Viewing your child’s lesson plans (skill acquisition), behavior plans, viewing progress, and the file cabinet

Resource and Training Center- Completing training, printable resources, and webinars

Scheduling- Viewing your child’s schedule and verifying appointments




Clients - When you click on the Clients tab at the top, you will be taken to a page where you will see your child’s name, DOB, town they live in, funder(s) for services, staff members that work with your child, and status (in treatment).

Click on your child’s name on the left to see more information.


Resource and Training Center

Intro to Autism & ABA Training

  • 11 modules, 8 hours of training

  • Guided notes

  • Video Training

  • Competency test for each module

  • Practice activities for each module


  • -Schedules, scripts, data sheets, visual cues, flashcards, plus many more printable items for teaching/instruction

  • -Webinars on many ABA topics


Client Info:

In client info you can view:

  • Your child’s demographics

  • contacts

  • diagnosis

  • funders

  • authorizations

  • staff assignments

  • availability


FIle Cabinet - The second tab is the file cabinet.

This is an area of Rethink that you can view, download, and upload documents with your BCBA or Supervisor.

Shared Folders - There may be one or more shared folders.

Examples of shared documents:

  • session notes

  • data sheets

  • assessments

  • treatment plans

  • communication notes


Client Program

In the client program, you can view and print skill acquisition lesson plans that have been added for your child in Rethink.


Behavior Support

LEARN, on the learn tab you have access to behavior support training videos and resources.

VIEW PLAN, on the view plan tab you can view behavior support plan added by your BCBA/Supervisors. This is a great area to review antecedent and consequence strategies.

MATERIALS, on the materials tab you can view and print out behavior support materials if you need the


Analyze Data

In Analyze Data, you can view and print progress on both skills and behaviors, custom graphs, and mastered programs. All tabs in analyze data allow you to use different filters and date ranges.



If your provider is using the scheduling feature in Rethink, you can view your child’s schedule and verify appointments if needed

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