Enabling & Setting up EVV for you account (HHAeXchange)

Enabling & Setting up EVV for you account (HHAeXchange)

Please reach out to your Account Manager or the Rethink Support team at support@rethinkbh.com to enable EVV for your account in Rethink.

Please ensure your Company Account> Basic Information section is set up with the correct NPI (National Provider Identifier), Medicaid ID, and EIN (Federal Tax ID # and match with the corresponding details in the HHAexchange account. These are critical fields required for HHAexchange and will cause visit rejections if not added.

1) Company Account -

  1. Navigate to Company Account > Basic Information

    1. Navigate to the Name field & Update the Company Name to EXACTLY MATCH the Name in the HHAexchange

    2. Add Federal Tax ID same that is used for HHAexchange


2) Staff Members -

  1. Navigate to Staff Members > General Information

    1. Add National Provider Identifier (NPI) same that is used for HHAexchange


2. Ensure the Medicaid ID # is populated for Staff Members who will be performing the services.

b. You can update the Medicaid ID # under Staff Member Profile > General Information > Medicaid ID

Please note by not populating the Medicaid ID # for the provider may result in a Claim Denial.


3) Users Clocking In/ Clocking Out should have Verify Appointments permission

  1. Navigate to Company Account > Roles > Edit Permissions > Scroll to Scheduler Permissions > Ensure or Check the Verify Permissions is checked

Schedule Appointments in the Individual Calendar for the clients in Rethink’s website.

4) Ensure the Medicaid ID # for Client Funder is populated

Client Funder > select the desired funder > Add Insured’s ID

5) Funders associated with appointments requiring EVV should have the EVV Verification Setting to HHAexchange

  1. Navigate to Company Account > Funders > Medicaid > and click [Edit]

  2. Select ‘HHAX-NJ (BETA)’ as a value for Electronic Visit Verification

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