Approving visits to be sent to HHAeXchange

Approving visits to be sent to HHAeXchange

The following setup must be completed before you can approve visits/ appointments

  1. Navigate to Company Account > Roles > Edit Permissions > Scroll to Scheduler Permissions > Check or Ensure Appointment List and Mark as Approved permissions are checked.


2. Navigate to Scheduling > Appointment List and slide the EVV Billing Review Toggle option to review the EVV Appointments.

a. Appointments that are not yet sent over to HHAexchange. Hence it will have the EVV Status of Pending.


b. In order to send an Appointment/ Visit to HHAexchange, your Visit should at least have a Staff Verification. Please note that if you need to add or edit staff clock in/out times, that you will need to add a reason code & action code. Explained below: Action code & Reason code

  1. Select the appointment(s) to be transmitted to HHAexchange by checking the checkboxes in the first column.

  2. Click on the ‘Actions’ button and select Approve for EVV. The EVV Status of the selected Appointments will be updated to Approved.

  3. NOTE: All EVV appointments from Rethink will be routed to your HHAexchange account based on TaxID/NPI/Medicaid ID. Therefore, please ensure that the listed required fields are not blank:

  • A scheduled job will pick up appointments that have status of Approved and Date of TODAY and push them to HHAexchange. Once the push is complete the Status of the Appointment will be updated to Submitted.

  • The status update from Approved to Submitted should take about 30 minutes

  • Once the appointments are Submitted, HHAexchange will process the appointments and provide a response (in approximately 30 minutes). If there are no issues in the appointment information sent, then the EVV Status will be updated to Success status. Once the EVV Status is updated to Success then the Visit should be available in the HHAexchange portal.

  • If there are issues with the appointment, the EVV Status will be updated to Rejected. You can find the reason why your appointment was rejected in the Rejected Reason column of the EVV Billing Review List. You can fix the errors and then resend the visit.


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