Resolving Appointments Rejected by HHAeXchange For EVV Visit

Resolving Appointments Rejected by HHAeXchange For EVV Visit

Please read steps below to learn how to resolve appointments with Rejected EVV Status. Please note that appointments need to be reapproved Appointment List > EVV Billing View > Actions > [Approve for EVV]. If you encounter a Rejected Reason that is not in the list below then please reach out to support@rethinkbh.com

After the user takes the require action on the rejected reasons, user needs to resend the appointment to HHAexchange

  1. Select the appointment(s) to be transmitted to HHAexchange by checking the checkboxes in the first column.

  2. Click on the ‘Actions’ button and select Approve for EVV. The EVV Status of the selected Appointments will be updated to Approved.


Electronic Visit Verification

Error Code

Error Message



Provider Tax ID is required

Review and ensure to include the Provider Tax ID

Navigate to - Company Account > Basic Information > Tax Id


Provider is not found based on Provider Tax ID

Review and ensure to include the correct Provider Tax ID

Navigate to - Company Account > Basic Information > Tax Id


Provider is not active

Contact HHAeXchange to rectify this issue. edisupport@hhaexchange.com



 Invalid Provider Tax ID format

Review to ensure that Tax ID only contains numeric values with no special characters and in a required format. If it’s not in the required format, please make the changes.

Format: 999999999


Office (qualifier and identifier) is required

Review and ensure correct NPI number is entered

Navigate to - Staff Member Profile > General Information > NPI Number

If you still receiving the error message even after entering the correct NPI then please reach out to Rethink support@rethinkbh.com


Invalid Office’s Qualifier value

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Office is not found based on Qualifier value

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Office is not active

Contact HHAeXchange to rectify this issue. edisupport@hhaexchange.com



Multiple Office records found based on Qualifier value. Please provide unique identifier.

Please review if the correct NPI has been added.

Staff Member Profile > General Information > NPI Number


Member (qualifier and identifier) is required

Review and ensure to add patient Insured ID

Navigate to - Client > Funder > Insured ID


Invalid Member's Qualifier value

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Member is not found based on Qualifier value

Review and ensure correct Insured ID is entered for a patient

Navigate to -Client > Funder > Insured ID



 Member is not active

Contact MCO and determine why Member is not active. Once the issue is

Resolved. The user needs to reapprove the appointment in the Rethink system.



Multiple Member records found based on Qualifier value. Please provide unique identifier.

Review and ensure to add patient Insured ID

Navigate to - Client > Funder > Insured ID


Caregiver (qualifier and identifier) is required

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Invalid Caregiver's Qualifier value

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Caregiver is not found based on Qualifier value

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Caregiver is not active

Ensure Caregiver is active in Rethink system. Please reach out to Rethink Support if you receive this error support@rethinkbh.com


Caregiver is not linked with Provider

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com



Multiple Caregiver records found based on Qualifier value. Please provide unique identifier.

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Visit cannot be greater than 25 hours

Change the Visit duration to be less than or equal to 25 hours



 Caregiver is restricted. No Schedule can be created.

The caregiver cannot provide services until Payer removes Caregiver from the Restriction List.


Caregiver was previously declined by the patient

Resolve the issue with the Caregiver


Caregiver is marked as absent

Resolve the issue with the Caregiver and resend the appointment to HHAexchange by approving the appointment.


Payer ID is required

Review and ensure your payer setting have below names under the company account

Navigate to - Company account > Funder


Invalid Payer ID value

Review and ensure that the payer ID entered is correct.

Navigate to - Company account > Funder


Payer is not active

Contact HHAeXchange to rectify this issue. edisupport@hhaexchange.com




There is no active contract for this visit

If Member is Active for the time period for which you are billing, then contact the MCO and request to Start of Care plan date and/or Discharge date.


External VisitID is required

This error is encountered when an incorrect/invalid Appointment ID is transmitted to HHAexchange. Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


EVVMSID is required when EVV record needs to be updated

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com



 EVVMSID is not found

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


EVVMSID does not belong to this payer

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


EVVMSID does not belong to this provider

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Procedure Code is required

Review to ensure Service/Procedure Code is entered.

  • Ensure to add a billing code & connected to a policy.

  • Navigate to - Company account > Funder > Billing code

  • Ensure appropriate billing code is connected to the Appointment.





 Procedure Code is not found

This error may occur when the Service/Procedure Code submitted does not matches the Service/Procedure Code in HHAeXchange.

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Procedure Code is not active

Contact HHAeXchange to rectify this issue. edisupport@hhaexchange.com



The service type was set to either Skilled or Non-Skilled for this visit when created and cannot be changed.

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com




Call Latitude is required when EVV Clock In/Out Time is confirmed by

GPS (i.e. CallType = Mobile)

This error may occur when the appointment Clock In Latitude Co-ordinates are not sent through the system

Ensure to add time under Actual Start Time of the Appointment.

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Invalid Call Latitude value

This error may occur when the appointment Clock In Latitude Co-ordinates are not sent through the system

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com



Call Longitude is required when EVV Clock In/Out Time is confirmed by

GPS (i.e. CallType = Mobile)

This error may occur when the appointment Clock In Latitude Co-ordinates are not sent through the system

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Invalid Call Longitude value

This error may occur when the appointment Clock In Latitude Co-ordinates are not sent through the system

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com



Originating Phone Number is required when EVV Clock In/Out

Time is confirmed by Telephony (i.e. CallType = Telephony)

Review & Ensure to include Originating Phone Number of the mobile device used during the appointment. Make sure not to use any special characters.

Format -  9999999999



 Invalid Originating Phone Number format

Review and ensure that phone number data is in the required format. Make the required changes if needed.

Format -  9999999999



Service Address is required when EVV Clock In/Out Time is confirmed via EVV

Ensure to include Individual Street Address



AddressLine1 is required when EVV Clock In/Out Time is confirmed via EVV

Ensure to include individual Address

Navigate to - Client demographics >Address first line



City is required when EVV Clock In/Out Time is confirmed via EVV

Ensure to include individual city

Navigate to - Client demographics > City



State Code is required when EVV Clock In/Out Time is confirmed via EVV

Ensure to include individual state

Navigate to - Client demographics > State



Zip Code is Required when EVV Clock In/Out Time is confirmed via EVV

Ensure to include individual zipcode

Navigate to - Client demographics >  Client demographics > Zip code



 Invalid Zip Code format

Review and ensure Zip code digit should not be less than 5 digit or more than 9 digit with a correct format i.e 12345. Make changes if needed.

 Navigate to - Client demographics > Zip code


Invalid Duties (Performed Task/Refused Task) field value

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


A missed visit request must not

contain Clock In/Out information

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Missed Visit Reason Code is required when Missed flag is marked as True

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Invalid Missed Visit Reason Code value

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Missed Visit Reason Code is not active

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Missed Visit Action Code is required when Missed flag is marked as True

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Invalid Missed Visit Action Code value

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Missed Visit Action Code is not active

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Edit Visit Reason Code is required

Ensure that user selects a reason code during staff verification.

Navigate to - Verification > Staff verification> Reason code


Invalid Edit Visit Reason Code value

User needs to ensure to add correct reason code when editing a Visit Reason Code under Verification > Staff verification> Reason code


Edit Visit Reason Code is not active

Contact HHAeXchange to rectify this issue. edisupport@hhaexchange.com


Edit Visit Action Code is required

Ensure that user selects a Action Code under Staff Verification > Staff verification> Reason code


Invalid Edit Visit Action Code value

User needs to ensure to add correct action code when editing under Verification > Staff verification> action code


Edit Visit Action Code is not active

Contact HHAeXchange to rectify this issue. edisupport@hhaexchange.com




External Invoice Number, Total Billed Amount, Total Units Billed, Contract Rate and Diagnosis Codes fields are required when visit is billed in the Provider’s third party EVV System

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com



Another Visit is using the same time in full or in part

Overlapped Shift times are not allowed. User needs to correct the times so they are not sharing the same time for a visit.




 Visit is already billed

If user is attempting to edit the visit, and the visit has been billed in HHAeXchange, this action is not permitted. Adjustments would be need & then re-billed to the Payer.



The number of input records exceed the max limit per submission

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Visit date is not in range of Eligibility

Start and End date

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com



Records that are created with a specific ClientID must be updated using the same ClientID

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Invalid Missed Visit Reason Code value

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Missed Visit Reason Code is not active

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Missed Visit Action Code is required when Missed flag is marked as True

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Invalid Missed Visit Action Code value

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Missed Visit Action Code is not active

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Edit Visit Reason Code is required

Ensure that user selects a reason code during staff verification.

Navigate to - Verification > Staff verification> Reason code


Invalid Edit Visit Reason Code value

User needs to ensure to add correct reason code when editing a Visit Reason Code under Verification > Staff verification> Reason code



Edit Visit Reason Code is not active

Contact HHAeXchange to rectify this issue. edisupport@hhaexchange.com


Edit Visit Action Code is required

Ensure that user selects a Action Code under Staff Verification > Staff verification> Reason code


Invalid Edit Visit Action Code value

User needs to ensure to add correct action code when editing under Verification > Staff verification> action code


Edit Visit Action Code is not active

Contact HHAeXchange to rectify this issue. edisupport@hhaexchange.com




External Invoice Number, Total Billed Amount, Total Units Billed, Contract Rate and Diagnosis Codes fields are required when visit is billed in the Provider’s third party EVV System

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com



Another Visit is using the same time in full or in part

Overlapped Shift times are not allowed. User needs to correct the times so they are not sharing the same time for a visit.




Visit is already billed

If user is attempting to edit the visit, and the visit has been billed in HHAeXchange, this action is not permitted. Adjustments would be need & then re-billed to the Payer.



The number of input records exceed the max limit per submission

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Visit date is not in range of Eligibility Start and End date

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com



Records that are created with a specific ClientID must be updated using the same ClientID

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com



ClientID does not have access permission to update the Provider's Visit record

Ensure appropriate user permission are set under Company account > Roles. Navigate to- Company account > Roles > Scheduler to make necessary changes.



Schedule Date should be the visit day or the next day of the visit (inclusive of EVV)

Ensure to select correct & Schedule, Visit and EVV Start/End date and/or time



Length of the Member’s Identifier cannot exceed max characters of the Qualifier. Refer to the endpoint description for this field

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com



Length of the Caregiver’s Identifier cannot exceed max characters of the Qualifier. Refer to the endpoint description for this field

Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Length of the External Visit ID cannot exceed 30 characters

 Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Length of the EVVMSID cannot exceed 64 characters

 Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com



The external evvmsid contains invalid characters. Please only use alphanumeric characters in addition to '-' and '_'

 Please reach out to Rethink support if you receive this error. support@rethinkbh.com


Can occur if there is an interruption in service

Contact HHAeXchange to inquire and to determine the resolution. edisupport@hhaexchange.com

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