Rethink Electronic Visit Verification via Sandata

Rethink Electronic Visit Verification via Sandata

Learn how to complete the required set-up items for Sandata EVV functionality.


Obtaining your Sandata credentials


Good To Know!

Obtaining your Sandata credentials


Good To Know!



  • Email or call Sandata Call Center to register your request to use Rethink as your “Provider Choice System” for EVV and obtain your AltEVV credentials.

  • When asked for Vendor contact details, provide the following:
    Vendor: Rethink
    EVV Vendor Contact Name: Rethink Support
    EVV Vendor Contact Number: 877.988.8871 option 4
    EVV Vendor Contact Email: support@rethinkbh.com
    EVV Product Name: Rethink Behavioral Health

  • Sandata Call Center contact information: 844-289-4246 or coaltevv@sandata.com

  • Register for Provider Choice Training here

Following is a sample of document that you will receive from Sandata after requesting AltEVV credentials.

You will need to configure the credentials in your account once EVV is turned on for your account. See step 3 below.


If you are currently using Sandata App to verify appointments then please ensure you are ready to fully transition to using the integration alternative. You will lose Sandata App access as soon as alternate integration credentials are created for your account.

Turning on EVV for your account


Good To Know!

Turning on EVV for your account


Good To Know!



Please reach out to your Account Manager or the Rethink Support team at support@rethinkbh.com to enable EVV for your account in Rethink.

Once EVV is turned on for your account, you should be able to see a setting Electronic Visit Verification under Scheduling Rules of your Funder.



Setting Up Your Account For EVV


Good To Know

Setting Up Your Account For EVV


Good To Know

  • Ensure your Company Account> Basic Information section is setup with correct Medicaid ID provided

  • Enter the Business Entity Medicaid Identifier received in your production credentials from Sandata in the Medicaid ID field


  • These are critical fields required for Sandata and will cause visit rejections if not added.


Funders associated with appointments requiring EVV should have the EVV Verification Setting to Sandata - CO

  • Navigate to Company Account > Funders > Medicaid > [Edit]

    1. Select ‘Sandata - CO’ as a value for Electronic Visit Verification


  • Please note that you will see the Electronic Visit Verification field only when EVV is turned ON for your account.


Adding credentials received from Sandata

  • Once you select Sandata under Electronic Visit Verification you will need to enter production credentials within the credential fields of the (Medicaid) Funder





Users Clocking In/ Clocking Out should have Verify Appointments permission

  • Navigate to Company Account > Roles > Edit Permissions > Scroll to Scheduler Permissions > Ensure or Check the Verify Permissions




Client Addresses in the Client Profile

  • For all clients, requiring EVV, please ensure a valid address exists in the Client Profile> Demographics > Address field




If you have multiple Medicaid Ids assigned to you for different locations.


In Company Account > Locations select Type = State License Number and add the Medicaid Id provided for the specific location.


Ensure the clients (recipients) contain the correct location based on the Medicaid Id in the Client Profile > Location/ Facility to route them correctly to Sandata accounts.

  • If Type is not equal to State License Number AND/ OR Id field has a blank value then the Medicaid Id in the Company Account will be connected to the sent appointments.

  • If there is a (State License Number, Medicaid Id) present on the location as well as a Medicaid Id is present on the Company Account> Medicaid Id then preference will be given to the Medicaid Id in the Location and will be sent with the appointment.

  • If there is no Medicaid Id present in Company Account >Location or Company Account > Basic Information then blank value will be sent to Sandata.


Learn how to review and submit your EVV appointments to Sandata.

Review and Submission of EVV Appointments to SanData


Good To Know

Review and Submission of EVV Appointments to SanData


Good To Know

Schedule Appointments (as usual) in the Individual Calendar for the clients in Rethink’s website.



Have staff clock in/out through the Rethink Mobile App

Clocking In/ Out Appointments via Rethink's Mobile App

Please ensure GPS settings are turned on for your device.

The following setup must be completed before you are able to approve visits/ appointments

  1. Navigate to Company Account > Roles > Edit Permissions > Scroll to Scheduler Permissions > Check or Ensure Appointment List and Mark as Approved permissions are checked.


Navigate to Scheduling > Appointment List and slide the EVV Billing Review Toggle to review the EVV Appointments.

  1. Appointments that are not sent to Sandata will have the EVV Status of Pending.

All EVV Appointments have an initial status of Pending

In order to send an Appointment/ Visit to Sandata, your Visit should at least have a Staff Verification.

  1. Select the appointment(s) to be transmitted to Sandata by checking the checkboxes in the first column.

  2. Click on the ‘Actions’ button and select Approve for EVV. The EVV Status of the selected Appointments will be updated to Approved.

  • NOTE: All EVV appointments from Rethink will be routed to your SanData account based on MedicaidID. Therefore, please ensure the following:
    1. Please ensure a Medicaid ID is present in your Company Account > Basic Information

  1. A scheduled job will pick up appointments that have status of Approved and Date of TODAY and push them to Sandata. Once the push is complete the Status of the Appointment will be updated to Submitted.

  2. Submitted status is indication that appointments are being processed by Sandata.

  3. Once the appointments are Submitted, Sandata will process the appointments and provide a response (in approximately 15 minutes).

    1. If there are no issues in the appointment information sent, then the EVV Status will be updated to Success status. Once the EVV Status is updated to Success then the Visit should be available in the Sandata portal.

    2. If there are issues with the appointment, the EVV Status will be updated to Rejected. You can find the reason why your appointment was rejected in the Rejected Reason column of the EVV Billing Review List. You can fix the errors and then resend the visit. Please see a resolutions to fix the common rejections here.


  • The status update from Approved to Submitted should take about 15 minutes

  • The status update from Submitted to Success or Rejected should take an additional 5-10 minutes

  • A Success or a Rejected status is a final status for an appointment.


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