RBT Training Ethics Code 2.0 Update

RBT Training Ethics Code 2.0 Update

Coming Soon! Updated training content to reflect the New RBT Ethics Code 2.0

The BACB has introduced the RBT Ethics Code 2.0 (2022), an updated version of the ethics code for RBTs. This version will replace the current RBT Ethics Code ( 2018) and will go into effect on January 1, 2022.

 What has changed? Click here to view the cross walk of the RBT Ethics code (2018) and the new  RBT Ethics Code 2.0 (2022).

Changes to Rethink’s RBT Training:

  1.  Rethink’s RBT Training modules 26A Ethical and Professional Behavior Part 1 and 26B Ethical and Professional Behavior Part 2 will be updated to reflect the new RBT Ethics Code (2.0). These updated modules will replace the previous versions on December 18th, 2021.

  2. Additional quiz and test questions will also be added to the Ethics modules mentioned above, to address updated content based on the new RBT Ethics Code 2.0. See additions below:

    1. Module 26A: 4 additional test questions

    2. Module 26B: 3 additional test questions

  3. Training times of both Ethics modules will be updated, and the certificates will reflect the updated times as well. See changes below:

    1. Module 26A: Change from 23 minutes to 24.7 minutes

    2. Module 26B: Change from 18 minutes to 19 minutes

    3. Total Training Time: Change from 41 hours, 55.5 minutes to 41 hours, 58.2 minutes

Important to Know!

  • Effective January 2022, all RBTs will be required to adhere to RBT Ethics Code (2.0).

  • If you have started but have not completed (partially completed) modules 26A and 26B prior to December 18th, 2021, the modules will automatically be reset with Rethink’s RBT Training update. Therefore, you will have to retake those modules from the beginning again.

    • A partially completed module includes the following:

      • Started a video from the Ethics modules but did not complete the video.

      • Completed a video from the Ethics modules but did not take the module test.

      • Completed a video from the Ethics modules, took the module test but did not receive a score of 90% or higher.

  • If you completed Rethink’s RBT Training  modules 26A Ethical and Professional Behavior Part 1 and 26B Ethical and Professional Behavior Part 2 prior to December 18th, 2021, and plan to sit for the RBT exam after January 1, 2022, we recommend that you review and retake the updated Rethink modules on Ethics. This will help prepare you to answer any RBT exam questions that are based on RBT Ethics Code 2.0.

  • If you completed Rethink’s RBT Training  modules 26A Ethical and Professional Behavior Part 1 and 26B Ethical and Professional Behavior Part 2  prior to December 18th, 2021, and have already taken or plan to take the RBT exam prior to January 1, 2022, it is still highly recommended that you review the new RBT Ethics Code 2.0. This will help inform you on the code of ethics you will need to adhere to as an RBT.

Have more questions? Please reach out to Rethink’s Support Team


Rethink Behavioral Health



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