Rethink Electronic Visit Verification via HHAeXchange

Rethink Electronic Visit Verification via HHAeXchange

The State of New Jersey has contracted with HHAexchange to implement the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) program for behavior analysis.

Rethink Behavioral Health has introduced an interface with the State's EVV aggregator, HHAeXchange, for service providers in New Jersey. Rethink Behavioral Health integration provides comprehensive oversight and management of the State's EVV data in compliance with the 21st Century Cures Act. Rethink BH Web and GPS enabled Mobile Application EVV check-in features to continue to function optimally with this interface. This integration allows efficiency in the exchange of EVV data with HHAexchange.


Please reach out to Rethink for the following

Email: support@rethinkbh.com

  • Enabling EVV for your account

  • Questions around EVV functionality on Rethink’s mobile app.

  • Sending visits to HHAexchange

Please reach out to HHAexchange for the following

Email: edisupport@hhaexchange.com

General inquiries related to the New Jersey (NJ) were submitted via a ticket by sending an email above. with the subject line ‘NJ EVV General Inquiry’.

  • Provider needs to reach out to HHAexchange for Registration.

You should most likely have an account created by HHAexchange.


Enabling & Setting up EVV for your account (HHAeXchange)

Approving visits to be sent to HHAeXchange

Resolving Appointments Rejected by HHAeXchange


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