Pay Codes

Understanding Pay Codes

Pay codes are how you pay your staff. For example, do staff make different wages for billable and nonbillable time? Do they make the same wage regardless? Pay codes are how you differentiate between the types of pay in your practice.

Pay codes are essential in the Rethink platform, without them, staff will be unable to be scheduled for any type of appointment.

Adding and Attaching Pay Codes



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Adding Pay Codes to the Company Account

From the Company Account, select Staff Member Settings

Scroll down to Staff Member Pay Codes and select +Pay Code to enter in a Staff Pay Code Name and Staff Pay Code as well as determine if you want that paycode to count towards overtime calculations, then Click Save.

  • If you pay your staff at the same rate regardless of the service they are providing, recommendation is to create one “Regular” pay code

    • EX: Pay Code Name could be “Regular” and Pay Code could be “Reg”

  • If you pay your staff differently based on whether they provide billable versus nonbillable work, recommended to add separate pay codes for those types of services

    • EX: Pay Code Name “Billable”, Pay Code “BIL”

    • Pay Code Name “Nonbillable”, Pay Code “NB”

  • Setting up overtime calculations is optional in Rethink. We cannot prevent anyone from going into overtime but we can track it on your payroll export. You can set this up under the Company Account>Scheduling Settings for your practice then on the staff member’s profile, you can determine if that specific staff member should have overtime calculations applied. The “do not include in overtime calculations” checkbox allows you to determine for those employees that DO have OT calculations turned on, if you want this pay code to count towards those. If you do, leave unchecked. If you do not, select the checkbox.

Adding Non Payable Pay Codes to the Company Account

For Non-Payable time, use an N/A pay code when adding a pay code using the above steps


  • Non Payable pay codes are used for appointments that are on the staff member’s schedule but the staff member is not being paid for that time

  • By entering N/A as the Staff Pay Code, this triggers the system that it is a Non Payable Pay Code meaning any appointment that has this type of pay code attached will not display in the Payroll Export unless specified when pulling the report

  • Non Payable pay codes will also not count towards overtime calculations on the Payroll Export

    • The “do not include in overtime calculations” checkbox will auto select if N/A is listed as a Pay Code

Adding Travel Pay Codes or Mileage Reimbursement to the Company Account

If you reimburse travel time, enter a Travel Pay Code (EX: Pay Code Name “Travel”, Pay Code “TRV”)

If you reimburse mileage, enter the rate in the Staff Member Mileage section. Otherwise this field can be left alone

Attaching Pay Codes to Staff Profiles

Once added to the company account, assign one or more of those pay codes to each staff member in their profile by navigating to Staff>Clicking on a Staff Member’s name>Payroll>Assign Pay Code


Now these options will appear in the pay code drop-down menu when adding an appointment

  • Pay Codes are required; Entering rates of pay is optional

  • Recommended to default pay codes if possible to avoid having to select a pay code each time you schedule an appointment

    • EX: Default the Billable Pay Code for Billable Appointments

  • If you need to start paying a staff member at a different hourly rate, add a new pay code of the same name/type and that will end-date the prior pay code

  • If you were previously paying the staff member at an incorrect rate, you can add a new pay code of the same name/type and enter the start date to be prior to the incorrect pay code, causing the incorrect pay code to ‘disappear’. This will then pull through on the already scheduled appointments and you can also re-run your payroll, if needed, to see these updated rates