Updated Error Messaging for Scheduler Client/Staff Access

Updated Error Messaging for Scheduler Client/Staff Access

Coming Soon

In order to provide users with clearer reasons for errors, we have updated the messages that users receive when trying to access appointments for clients/staff that they do not have permission to access.

Why do users see appointments they cannot take action on?

Client Access: Users with higher level permissions such as super users (Role 4) are able to schedule staff to any client regardless of the selected staff’s scheduler permissions.

Staff Access: With certain scheduler permissions, users are able to use the search options on calendar to see appointments for clients that are assigned to staff that the user does not have permission to access.




Client Access

When a user tries to open an appointment that is assigned to a client that the user does not have permission to access, they will see the following error message:

“You cannot open this appointment due to your client access permissions that your company administrator assigned to you.”



When a user tries to open an appointment that is assigned to a staff member that the user does not have permission to access, they will see the following error message:

“You cannot open this appointment due to your scheduling permissions that your company administrator assigned to you.”