Late Entry Feature (Payroll and Billing Exports)

Late Entry Feature (Payroll and Billing Exports)

The “late entries” feature provides users responsible for processing payroll and/or billing a way to account for appointments that were not exported in previous reports.

Important note:

The late entries that are pulled will be reflective of the appointment requirements selected when running the exports.

BILLING EXPORT                                                                       PAYROLL EXPORT


The following would be reasons that an appointment would be considered a “late entry”.

  1. Staff entered a new appointment and completed the company established appointment requirements after the last exports were run.
  2. An existing appointment was updated by staff to meet the company set appointment requirements AFTER the last export was run.

Example-Billing Export:

Your company appointment requirements to mark an appointment “complete” is “Staff Verification”.


When running the billing export for the period 11/01/2021-11/08/2021, you select “late entries” and keep the default appointment requirement “Staff Verification”.


If there were any appointments with a date prior to 11/01/2021 that have been Staff Verified since the time you ran your last export, these appointments will be exported and marked as "Late Entry.” “Late entries” can be easily identified by reviewing the Validation Column in the Billing Export.

Example-Payroll Export:

Your company appointment requirements to mark an appointment “complete” is “Staff Verification”.


When running the payroll export for the period 11/01/2017-11/08/2017, you select “late entries” and Do NOT check the box to 'include INCOMPLETE staff appointments'.

If there were any appointments with a date prior to 11/01/2021 that have been Staff Verified since the time you ran your last export, these appointments will be exported and marked as "Late Entry.” “Late entries” can be easily identified by reviewing the Alerts Column in the Payroll Export on the Timesheet Entries Tab.  

Recommended Best Practices for Running Reports and Tracking Billing Data that has been exported

  1. When running reports, use the same parameters every time. This will decrease any confusion about what data has been exported.
  2. Review “incomplete” appointments via the Appointment List prior to running Billing or Payroll. This will allow you to see what billable appointments have not met your company requirements. Due to timelines set by funders the more proactive you can be to resolve these appointments the less likely you will run out of time to bill.
  3. Maintain a “master file” of all originally exported data. This will provide historical data that you can be referred to as needed.
  4. Create a “copy” of the original exported data within the same workbook that you saved the Original exported data. This will provide you with a working copy to work from.
  5. Create a “final billing” copy tab in your workbook.
  6. Establish File Name Protocols. For example: Use the report run dates "11.1.2021_11.30.2021"
  7. Perform Regular Audits. Run  weekly, monthly or quarterly reports for  previous months.
  8. Review “incomplete” appointments(via the Appointment List) and compare to what has been billed to see if there are any appointments that may have fallen through the cracks.
  9. Pivot reports can be helpful to summarize data which will make comparing much easier. 
  10. Consider updating your system with any changes that were made to the exported data.