Exclude Paycodes from Overtime Calculations

Exclude Paycodes from Overtime Calculations

Admin users managing paycodes in the company account have the ability to omit payable paycodes from being counted toward overtime calculations for non-exempt staff.

Learn more below:



Good to Know



Good to Know

New Setting

(Payable Paycodes)

In the company account>staff member paycodes>edit staff paycode view

Check the new option “do not include in overtime calculations”


  • By default the setting will be unselected (hours will be counted toward payroll).

  • Only users with Edit Payroll permission can update these settings.

  • This setting may be selected and unselected at anytime for payable.

**for existing accounts when the feature is released All payable paycodes will have the option "do not include in overtime calculations" unchecked.

New Setting

(NonPayable Paycodes)

The setting will be greyed out since non payable paycodes are not eligible for overtime and do not get counted toward staff hours.


  • If the paycode is updated to a payable code then the setting will be actionable.

**for existing accounts All Non Payable paycodes with N/A as the "paycode" will have the option "do not include in overtime calculations" checked. 

New Column added to Staff Member Table

A new column “OT Eligible” is viewable.



  • This allows admin to quickly identify paycodes that are OT eligible or not OT Eligible.

  • Yes will display when the new setting is unselected

  • No will display when

    • the setting is selected

    • the paycode is a non payable paycode

  • User can select Edit to change the settings.

Which staff payroll settings will this apply to?

This feature applies only to staff that has the option “Apply Overtime calculations” selected their staff profile.


  • Any appointments assigned to paycodes that have the new setting selected, the system will not include the hours in the overtime calculations for those staff but they will be visible in the Timesheet Entries tab and counted toward Regular Hours.

New Column in Payroll Export

(Timesheet Entries Tab)

There is a new column labeled “Paycode OT Eligible”.


  • This new column will help payroll admin easily identify paycode that are or are not OT eligible so they are aware of the hours that were counted toward overtime and those that were not.

  • Yes will be displayed for payable paycodes with the new setting unselected

  • No will be displayed for payable paycodes with the new setting selected


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