Modifier Code Updates for HHAeXchange

Modifier Code Updates for HHAeXchange

This is available in the web browser.

Under Company account > Funder > Billing Code, there is a field ‘Do you want to restrict which staff can provide this service or bill multiple rates for this service?' with options ‘Yes’ and ‘No’.

  • If the option ‘Yes’ is selected then the required 'Credential*’ fields will appear along with the Modifiers 1 through 4. It is important to note that currently, customers are putting modifiers (following this format -> H2016:HA:HNN) on the “Billing Code for claims/invoices:* field”. The modifiers from the billing code need to be taken off and added into the respective modifier fields for all credentials. For clients using Kareo, if these changes are not made then this will result in claim issues, so the red outlined box in the image below is the required field “Billing code for claims/invoice:*” that should be filled out separately from the correct Modifiers Fields outlined in the green.

modifiers are separated from the billing code

  • If the option ‘No’ is selected then users can still use the format “H2016:HA:HNN” and the information will flow correctly to HHaExchange as no changes have been made to this functionality.

modifiers are included in the billing code ex.H2016:HA:HNN


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